The strongest predictors in these models of mental illness symptoms differed between groups: belonging in the younger group and accomplishment in the older group. Programs targeting belonging and accomplishment could be highly effective in promoting mental wellbeing and reducing mental ill-health for ...
This step-by-step guide for applying the Theoretical Domains Framework of behaviour change to implementation problems using qualitative data approaches has been developed as a resource for the implementation research community. The benefits of using the TDF are that it provides a robust theoretical basi...
In this context, the use of computational models is considered a means of "conceptual model verification," in which mental or conceptual models generated by researchers from their understanding of the literature, and used to guide their research, are "brought to life" such that their behavioral ...
there is still a lack of quantitative evidence regarding the role of playfulness in drama therapy and other therapeutic models, partly because, thus far, a measure assessing temporal shifts in playfulness (i.e., states of playfulness
Evaluation of these alternative models is based on a review of data from studies of variations in illness among women, and it is concluded that a model looking at illness behavior as a function of the number and character of other role obligations offers the most promise for future research....
To be ill is not merely to have something going on in one’s body that is out of step with species design as laid down by evolution: it is to have something going on that is wrong, one that reduces our chances of being free of pain and unhindered our ability to pursue what we judg...
Dwyer J HStatistical Models for the Social and Behavioral SciencesOxford University Press. New York. 1983. Google Scholar Joreskog K G and Sorbom DLISREL VINational Educational Resources, Chicago, Ill, 1986. Google Scholar Long J SCovariance Structure Models An Introduction to LISRELSage. Beverly...
Linking TDF to other theoretical models The TDF has been linked to a more recently developed, simpler model of behaviour, the COM-B model [16, 43]. The central tenet of this model is that capability, opportunity and motivation interact to produce behaviour. TDF provides a more granular unders...
16.5.1 Economic Epidemiology Simple EEMs are, by mathematical necessity, initially built on classical compart- mental epidemiological models that account for the orderly transition of individuals facing a communicable disease, through the susceptible, infected, and recovered disease stages: the result of ...
A. (2012). The compensation and capitalization models: A test of two approaches to individualizing the treatment of depression. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 50, 699–706. Article Google Scholar Chung, H. (2008). Resiliency and character strengths among college students. The University of ...