heat transfermass transfermeltingtwo-phase flow/ parallel-plate channelcool-thermal discharge systemsexternal refluxesmass airflow rateice melting thicknesscool-thermal discharge fluxWith the new design of a parallel-plate channel to ice melting in cool-thermal discharge systems with external refluxes, ...
Considering the importance of cryospheric processes to discharge simulation in the UIB, the high resolution model was calibrated using a 3-step approach explicitly considering parameters related to snow sublimation, snow cover and melt processes using a combination of in-situ observed and satellite ...
A module to estimate urban heat island intensity was integrated for air and dew point temperature. Owing to the low density of available synop stations, the gridded dataset does not capture all variations that may occur at a resolution of 1 km2. This applies to areas of complex terrain (all...
冷却倾斜板熔体处理过程边界层分布及流动传热的理论研究 Theoretical study on boundary distributions and flow-metal heat transfer during melt treatment by cooling sloping plate27阅读 文档大小:423.49K 9页 gjbnmnmn上传于2015-05-08 格式:PDF 超声波在铝熔体中的声场分布和空化效应及其对凝固过程影响 热度: ...
冷却倾斜板熔体处理过程边界层分布及流动传热的理论研究 Theoretical study on boundary distributions and flow-metal heat transfer during melt treatment by cooling sloping plate33阅读 文档大小:423.49K 9页 lingxiadai1944上传于2015-03-26 格式:PDF
Li S, Liu W (2022) Impacts of Arctic sea ice loss on global ocean circulations and interbasin ocean heat exchanges. Clim. Dyn. 59:2701–2716. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06241-0 Article Google Scholar Lim YK, Cullather RI, Nowicki SMJ, Kim KM (2019) Inter-relationship betwee...
Since phase change requires heat, the surface temperature will decrease during this process, providing a negative feedback and consequently reducing the sublimation and evaporation fluxes. 2.3. Evaluation of Ice Sublimation and Fluid Evaporation At the drilling site of BEOI, a ventilated container is ...
The terms C, A, and P separately represent the specific heat capacity of the material, area, and perimeter of the elliptical section. According to the actual situation of the formation of the horizontal bonding neck, the model schematic of the surface roughness vertical to the fiber direction ...
This ice may then suddenly melt due to higher surface heat flow or shallow intrusions leading to rapid release of water on the flanks of volcanoes. Only if the atmosphere were hotter in the past could the water in the eruption plume condense and produce rain rather than ice. Furthermore, ...
Temperature sensitive products need specific containers to prevent heat loss or gain. Several containers (corrugated box, EPS cooler, molded polyurethane and VIP panels) were studied for their package insulating ability (R-value). Regular ice and dry ice were compared by performing an ice melt ...