Male circumcision schools are as common throughout sub-Saharan Africa as they are dangerous.Recently in Zambia, for example, forty-eight boys were rescued from a circumcision school after parents complained that their children had been abducted. In Malawi among the Yawo people, this rite of passag...
Janet coordinates SALT: Schools for Alternative Learning and Transformation, a participatory educational community inside Riverbend Maximum Security Institution in Nashville, Tennessee. As Director of Public Policy and Community Outreach with Religious Leaders for a More Just and Compassionate Drug Po...
Mine was to be at a secondary school, Mfantsipim, up on a hill a couple of kilometres from the edge of town. Pupils were asked to indicate three schools, in order of preference, to which they wanted to go if they passed. At the moment of writing down my choices, my mother's ...
As I write, the town Christmas Parade is merrily proceeding through the streets. I can’t describe it to you because I’ve never attended it, but I’m glad they have it. I love Christmas and rejoice to celebrate it. I have never put it aside as childish or asrel...