(redirected fromTheological colleges) Thesaurus Encyclopedia sem·i·nar·y (sĕm′ə-nĕr′ē) n.pl.sem·i·nar·ies 1. a.A school, especially a theological school for the training of clergy. b.A school of higher education, especially a private school for young women in the 1800s....
Christian education in Africa is at the cross-road. It took its original inception within western models and systems of education. Ministerial formation was done in small biblical colleges operating on a residential model. Because the idea of adapting education in general and theological education in...
Digital game-based learning (DGBL) – sometimes loosely referred to as gaming – for higher education has not really found its feet in South Africa as an innovative or alternative tool to enhance the impact of education. Internationally, it is implemented at some institutions of higher education ...
http://usbiblecolleges.com/arizona Bible Colleges, Seminaries, and Christian Universities. Bible Colleges in Arizona. Middot; 1 comment. Middot; Categories: Colleges by State. Arizona Bible Colleges, Seminaries, Christian Colleges & Universities:. Arizona Christian University – Phoenix, AZ. Charis ...
The University of Science and Technology in Manchester University of Scranton University of South Africa (UNISA) University of South Alabama University of South Australia University of South Carolina University of South Florida University of Southern California University of Southern Indiana Un...
PUBLIC universities & collegesEDUCATIONCURRICULUMAfter attending to shifts in the landscape of theological education at a public university in South Africa, this article explores the re-imagination of theological education as fostering faith-based agency. With reference to the (potential) rol...
GBFE is a network of thirteen colleges within Europe. This cooperation is unique because the stronger partner is from South Africa. This reverse asymmetry is in some sense post-colonial. In this paper, we analyze the question: "What are the benefits and the challenges of a South-...
The University of Science and Technology in Manchester University of Scranton University of South Africa (UNISA) University of South Alabama University of South Australia University of South Carolina University of South Florida University of Southern California University of Southern Indiana Un...
STATE universities & collegesTHEOLOGICAL educationGENEALOGYUNIVERSITY of PretoriaUNIVERSITY researchIn this article, the author engages with the question 'what is so theological about theological education?', which he calls a genealogy of theology. This matter is approached from a very ...
SOUTH AfricaTHEOLOGICAL educationCHRISTIAN educationPUBLIC universities & collegesUNIVERSITY of PretoriaCHRISTIAN universities & collegesIn this article, the author engages with the question 'what is so theological about theological education', which he calls the genealogy of theology. This...