Theodor Heuss(1961) Short|Documentary, Short Edit pageAdd to list Track Directors Otto Erich Kress|Dietrich Schiller Writers Otto Erich Kress|Dieter Schiller Cinematographers Hans Münzhuber|Werner Zimpel Editor Dieter Schiller See all filmmakers & crew (5) ...
#西德1981年发行纪念德国首任总统特奥多尔•豪斯2马克镍币,币正面为特奥多尔•豪斯头像,背为德国鹰徽面值和年历。#特奥多尔•豪斯(德语:Theodor Heuss,1884年1月31日-1963年12月12日)德国政治家和作家,西德第一任总统,自由民主党主席。第二次世界大战后,参与创立了德国自由民主党,并任主席,1948-1949年在议会...
See Theodor Heuss's contact, representation, publicist, and legal information. Explore Theodor Heuss's credits, follow attached in-development titles, and track popularity with STARmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professionals.
读音:美英 theodor heuss基本解释 特奥多尔·豪斯;特奥多尔.豪斯;豪伊斯;霍伊斯 分词解释 Theodor[人名] 西奥多 theodor heuss是什么意思 theodor heuss怎么读 theodor heuss在线翻译 theodor heuss中文意思 theodor heuss的解释 theodor heuss的发音 theodor heuss意思是什么 theodor heuss怎么翻译 theodor heuss的中文...
Theodor Heuss, Bürger der Weimarer RepublikMichael Dorrmann
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook THS (redirected fromTheodor-Heuss-Schule) Category filter: AcronymDefinition THSTemple of the Holy Spirit(various locations) THSThousand THSTexas Homeland Security(Austin, TX) ...
介绍 Theodor Heuss was born on January 31, 1884 in Brackenheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He was married to Elly Heuss-Knapp. He died on December 12, 1963 in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg. 出生日期 1884-01-31 出生地 德国,Brackenheim ...
THEODOR HEUSS 是一位艺术家。 出生日期1884年 逝世日期1963年
See Ludwig-Theodor Heuss's contact, representation, publicist, and legal information. Explore Ludwig-Theodor Heuss's credits, follow attached in-development titles, and track popularity with STARmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment