在诗歌中,“And then there was none”可能被用来表达孤独、绝望或某种事物的消逝;在戏剧中,它则可能作为剧情转折的关键点,引领观众进入更加紧张刺激的情节发展。 'And then there was none'在日常语境中的使用及变体 在日常语境中,“And then there was none”这一短语也...
"and then there were none"是来自小说里面童谣的最后5个单词。英文版,那个童谣的最后一句的原文大概是:“One little Indian boy left all alone; He went out and hanged himself and then there were none.”
很快一个接着一个的,他们按照一首童谣里的描述,莫名离奇地死去,直到一个也不剩。 其实这书最开始的名字叫10 little niggers,后来在美国出版时改成了10 little Indians,再后来干脆改名成恐怖童谣里的最后一句:then there were none。无人生还。 我们与恶的距离-- Everyone has a dark side 这十个人犯了不同的...
既然去年我们做的英剧介绍系列都得到大伙的认可,看到朋友们喜欢,今年我们会多做些这方面的介绍。 有些故事,几乎已经到了许多人耳熟能详的地步,但各种翻拍版还是层出不穷,且受到欢迎。在这类影视作品中,最令人费解的应该就算是推理题材了。要知道真相只有一个,既然人们早就知道了,谁又会愿意再看一遍呢?
阿加莎·克里斯蒂ThereNone推理侦探人生印第安男孩十个印第安小男孩,吃完晚饭去喝酒,呛死一个没法救,十个只剩九. 九个印第安小男孩,半夜不睡困又乏,一靠枕头就倒下,九个只剩八. 八个印第安小男孩,跑出家门做游戏,斧劈两半一命休,八个只剩七. 七个印第安小男孩,劈柴砍木不顺手,丢下一个命归西,七个只剩六...
aToday we will send the defected fabric P555 to you. Please confirm receipt by return. Thank you. 今天我们将送背叛的织品P555到您。 由回归请证实收据。 谢谢。[translate] aAND THEN THERE WERE NONE 然后有无[translate]
Two little soldier boys sitting in the sun; one got frizzled up (烤干了)and then there was One. One little soldier boy left all alone; he went and hanged himself.. And then there were None . And then there were none, 正如这首儿童诗里说的,十个人一个接一个的死掉了,无人生还。
阿加莎·克里斯蒂(Agatha Christie,1890年9月15日—1976年1月12日),英国女侦探小说家、剧作家,三大推理文学宗师之一。代表作品有《东方快车谋杀案》和《尼罗河谋杀案》等。 本专栏为记录在读《无人生还》中学到的生词和词组 CHAPTER 1 ❶Mr Justice Wargrave, lately retired from thebench,puffedat a cigar andr...
One got frizzled up and then there was one. 晒死烤死悲戚戚,两个只剩一。 One little Indian boy left all alone; 一个印地安小男孩,归去来兮只一人; He went and hanged himself and then there were none. 悬梁自尽了此生,一个...