Middle Englishthan, thenthen, than, from Old Englishthonne, thænne; akin to Old High Germandennethen, than, Old Englishthætthat First Known Use Adverb before the 12th century, in the meaning defined atsense 1 Noun 14th century, in the meaning definedabove ...
The meaning of WHAT THEN is what will happen in that case. How to use what then in a sentence.
"Affect," when used as a verb meaning to "influence someone or something," does not follow any of the words that "effect" does. When used properly, the verb "affect" never follows the words "the," "any," "an," "into," "on," "take" and "or." The following sentences are exampl...
or simply just don’t care. “Then and than” are both very different because one will actually compare something while the other deals with time or meaning after something or after a situation. It’s very important to get to know these two words and their meaning, so pay close attention...
THAN and THEN, THEN and THAN: Which one is which? Just one little letter, but it completely changes the meaning. One relates to time and sequence and the other is used to compare. Autocorrect on your phone won’t help you get this right – in fact it mig
Better you than me. Meaning: it is better that you are dealing with this situation (because it’s a bad situation or because you deal with this kind of thing better than I do).Common Phrases Using ThenThen doesn’t come up as much as than in famous idioms and proverbs, but we have...
Though it has multiple functions and meanings,thenis most commonly used as an adverb meaning “at that time; next or immediately afterward.” For example: “I’ll be ready around 8 PM, if you want to come overthen.” “I miss being a kid; things were simplerthen.” ...
earlier than the present time; no longer current adverb in that case or as a consequence “if he didn't take it,thenwho did?” “keep itthenif you want to” “the case,then, is closed” “you've made up your mindthen?”
then meaning, definition, what is then: at a particular time in the past or futu...: Learn more.