Free plan |Upgrade info Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta close All games Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017) Hero Theme Replacer Articles New Hero Themes Endorsements 0 Total views 74 Replaces the basic hero themes with new ones that are existing in mo...
14. Star Wars: A New Hope (Main Theme)--星球大战 15. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Main Title / Resolution and Finale)--第三類接觸 16. The Deer Hunter (Cavatina)--猎鹿人 17. Superman (Main Theme)--超人 DISC IV (1979 ~ 1990) : 01. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (End Tit...
Star Wars Episode 3.ptf Suzumya Haruhi.ptf Sword Art Online.ctf Tilted Calm.ctf Tilted.ctf Ultimate PS3.ctf Universal Red Darkness.ctf Wii.ptf Windows 8.ptf Windows Phone 7.ctf XMD.ctf Xblades.ctf Xbox360.ctf Yuki Snow.ctf _config.yml ...
John Williams has written hours and hours of music for the Star Wars movies. But which individual bits are the best? We've decided...Actor John Boyega, who was plucked from obscurity to star in the new Star Wars trilogy. Here's what we're interested in: how did composer John Williams...
Hyper Star Wars- Star Wars themes for your Hyper terminal. Pikachu Syntax- Pikachu Atom theme. Itermocean- Deep oceanic blue iTerm theme. Team Klaudio Sinani(@klaudiosinani) Mario Sinani(@mariosinani) Thanasis Gkanos(@ThanasisGkanos)
:Theme From Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back 05:31 :May It Be 03:31 :There Is A God In You 01:36 :I See You 04:17 :Conquest Of Paradise 04:47 :Theme From Sherlock Holmes 02:25 :Theme From Robin Hood 01:58 :Time For Miracles 04:39 ...
In the background of the series, the Children of the Forest fought a series of wars against the First Men (a civilization of primitive warriors wielding bronze weapons and riding horses), until the Pact of the Isle of Faces, wherein the First Men obtained control of the open lands and th...
Forest Windows 10 theme Black and White Windows 10 theme Download Clownfish Sea Turtle Best Ultra HD 4K Windows 10 theme Download Sea Life Shark Windows 10 theme Star Wars Ultimate Windows 10 theme Download Cool 4K Mandalorian Windows 10 theme ...
Swedish composer Göransson’s theme forStar WarsTV show,The Mandalorian, is striking for its use of digitally-manipulated bassrecorder, and echoing, oscillating melodies. The melody becomes overlapped, and builds in tension, hinting at the interspace challenges and adventures about to be had by th...
Films can also teach politics.In Star Wars,the heroes were a bunch of lovable incompetents fighting with guts(胆量) and not much else.They were,in fact,rather like the British in the early days of WWⅡ.Their enemies,like the Nazis,had a big advantage in equipment and numbers of troops...