The ThemeTracker below shows where, and to what degree, the theme of Assimilation and Immigrant Life appears in each chapter of Brick Lane. Click or tap on any chapter to read its Summary & Analysis. How often theme appears: chapter length: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4...
1、Chapter 2 Surface-structure DeviationFourtypesofdeviation: phonological, graphological, lexical, andsyntactic2.1PhonologicalDeviation:(I)OmissionA:Aphesis(字首音省略):the omission of an initial part of aword,e.g.Thouonwhosestream,midthesteepskyscommotion,Loosecloudslikeearthsdecayingleavesareshed,(Com...
CHAPTER I THE MYSTERIOUS LAND At dawn we beheld Japan. Precisely at the foretold moment the mysterious land arose before us, afar off, like a black dot in the vast sea, which for so many days had been but a blank space. At first we saw nothing by the rays of the rising sun but ...
Hang embroidery has always been an essential part of the intangible cultural heritage of Hangzhou. It combines the culture of Jingdezhen and the integration of porcelain culture to show the charm of silk porcelain combination. Handicraft Exhibition Hall at the edge of Hangzhou canal (No. 450 Xiaohe...
Battalion Wars 2 - Wings of the Gunship Battalion Wars 2 - Xylvania Theme BattleBlock Theater - Boss Stage BattleBlock Theater - Buckle Your Pants BattleBlock Theater - Chapter 1_2 BattleBlock Theater - Chapter 3_4 BattleBlock Theater - Chapter 5_6 BattleBlock Theater - Chapter 7 BattleBlock The...
empirical evidence for my consultants' views. The compositional approach that led to the original recording of 'A Man Should Self- Strengthen' stamped it as Cantonese musicking. In a chapter about his experiences com- posing music for Tsui Hark's films, James Wong (2002) detailed the process...