colorSearchGoogleGcseContainer = "w3-theme-l3" # # layouts/partials/footer.bottom.html colorFooterBottomCell = "w3-theme-l3" # # layouts/partials/footer.html colorFooterButton = "w3-theme-l4" colorFooterContainer = "w3-theme-d5" # # layouts/404.html color404...
gcseLabelShort translation: "Suche" - id: gcseLabelLong translation: "Suche {{ .Site.Title }}" - id: gcseClose translation: "Schließen" # Staticman - id: noComment translation: "No comment" - id: oneComment translation: "comment" - id: moreComment translation: "comments" - i...
Fixed: Better Social Counter: Multiple HTTP Connection to GoogleApis Server! Fixed: Better Social Counter: Weird Call to a member function error. Fixed: Smart Lists Pack: Find out the src when use image with caption. Fixed: Better Platlist: Google API Changes issue fixed (error on fetch). ...
gcse.src = (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:') + '//' + cx; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s); })(); </script> <gcse:search></gcse:search> Create a Search Result pag...
In recent years, I’ve been getting very deep into Core Maths. It’s a fantastic course and I do love it but I think I’ve become a bit too narrow in my focus. This MathsConf really woke me back up to the joys of GCSE maths and I’m looking forward to re-engaging with maths ...
Children take exams called GCSEs at the age of 16. You can leave school after your GCSEs but many children stay at school for two more years. The last two years are called the sixth form. At the end of the sixth form, teenagers take A levels. You can leave school after A levels,...
- id: gcseLabelLong translation: "Serĉi {{ .Site.Title }}" - id: gcseClose translation: "Fermi" # Staticman - id: noComment translation: "Sen komentoj" - id: oneComment translation: "komento" - id: moreComment translation: "komentoj" - id: useMarkdown translation: "Vi povus...
de.yaml en.yaml es-ES.yaml fr.yaml ja.yaml pl.yaml ru.yaml zh.yaml images layouts static .gitattributes .gitignore LICENSE syntax.css theme.toml Latest commit badele Add staticman support (static comments coupled with Github pull request) ...
NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork1 Star3 Code Issues Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options Files abda9ea archetypes data exampleSite i18n br.yaml de.yaml dk.yaml en.yaml ... colorSearchGoogleGcseContainer = "w3-theme-l3" # # layouts/partials/footer.bottom.html colorFooterBottomCell = "w3-theme-l3" # # layouts/partials/footer.html colorFooterButton = "w3-theme-l4" colorFooterContainer = "w3-theme-d5" # # layouts/404.html color404...