Them is a horror anthology series set in 1953. The Prime Video original show centers on a black family who moves to an all-white neighborhood in Los Angeles, California, only to be haunted by evil forces. Them was created by Lee Marvin and stars Deborah
by Mirko Parlevliet Vital Thrills ‘With Love, Meghan’: Netflix Drops Trailer For Meghan Markle Lifestyle Series 1/3/2025 by Max Goldbart Deadline Film + TV ‘With Love, Meghan’ Trailer: Meghan Markle’s Netflix Lifestyle Series Showcases Cooking and Gardening Skills — and an Appearance...
Premiere Date: Friday, April 9, 2021 on Amazon Prime Reviewer Rating: 5 Stars★★★ Themis a masterpiece of darkness and cruelty presenting a twisted and accurate depiction of fear personified. Imagine you’re standing on the edge of a cliff; then someone pushes you. You fall i...
Those days, for the most part, appear to be over. The new seriesThem, which streams on Amazon Prime today, is only the latest salvo in a flourishing renaissance of horror that reflects the experience of being Black in America. It’s impossible, or at least ill-advised,...
Amazon Prime Video Anthology Series 2021 TVMA Anthology Horror Drama Paranormal A Black family’s home in all-white neighborhood becomes ground zero for malevolent forces. TrailerSeason 2 7.5 79% FollowWhyfollow?Cast & Crew Alison Pill Betty Wendell Shahadi Wright Joseph Ruby Deborah Ayorinde Lucky...
The new Amazon Prime Video series “THEM” has a lot packed into its 10 episodes, but at its heart, according to creator Little Marvin, the show is about exploring the American dream. “I’ve been thinking a lot, like all of us have, about this country, where we’re going, and who...
Amazon Prime Video In today’s TV news roundup, Amazon Prime Video announced the premiere date for “Them” and NBC News will air “The Racism Virus,” about the stark rise in anti-Asian discrimination due to the pandemic. DATES NBC News Now and NBC Asian America partnered for a special ...
“‘Them’ Is Pure Degradation Porn,” a recent review of Amazon Prime’s newest foray into black horror cinema declares. I wish that had been true. Themis the story of a black middle-class family, the Emorys, taking place over the course of ten days in 1953. After experiencing a traum...
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