周二二限教授推荐我们阅读的《Their Eyes Were Watching God》,当天找来汉译本读了,并且一口气读完了,有太多杂乱的思绪。 批判家从里面看见了黑人与白人的对比,并且对作者对种族歧视的描写并不到位而感到不满。但是实际上作者(赫斯顿)描绘的更远远多于种族歧视。 除了黑人... (展开) ...
1. 性别角色和关系 《他们的眼睛注视着上帝》传统的性别角色作为其主要主题之一——特别是关于男女关系的陈规定型观念赋予男性权力和剥夺女性权力的方式。 小说的情节是由珍妮与不同男人的一系列关系驱动的:与约翰尼·泰勒接吻,然后是与洛根·基里克斯、乔迪·斯塔克斯的婚姻,最后是迪·凯克。 洛根·基里克斯和乔迪·斯...
她发表的著作主要有:民俗学著作《骡子与人》(Mules and Men, 1935)和《告诉我的马》(Tell My Horse, 1938);长篇小说《乔纳的葫芦蔓》(Jonahs Gourd Vine, 1934),《他们的眼睛望着上帝》(Their Eyes Were Watching God,1937 ),《山里人摩西》(Moses,Man ofthe Mountain,1939)及《萨旺尼的撒拉弗》(Seraph ...
Zora Neale Hurston's, Their Eyes Were Watching God, is a novel depicting the protagonist, Janine's, pursuit of identity. Discover how the horizon, a pear tree, Janine's hair, and a hurricane act as symbols of the desires and obstacles she experiences along the way. Desires and Obstacles ...
黑人文学老师要求读的,班里统一复印的老师的原版。不明白书名的用意。书里只一处写到了Their eyes were watching god ,在chapter 18 "They seemed to be staring at the dark, but their eyes were watching god" 这是在他们逃离飓风时的一段。其实全书主要写了主人公Jaine ... (展开) ...
Their Eyes Were Watching God essaysHero Evaluation: Their Eyes Were Watching God She was, once again, wearing the overalls that she was always so comfortable in. Her long black hair was brushed out of her face, showing her beautiful dark facial featur
Their Eyes Were Watching God - cnusdk12caus 热度: 《Their_Eyes_Were_Watching_God》_章节单词统计_带英文解释排版 热度: TheirEyesWereWatchingGod Worksheets Chapter1 1.WhatisHurstondoingwiththewordsWatcherandTimeinthefirstparagraph? 2.Whatrhetoricaldeviceistheline,“Womenforgetallthosethingstheydon‟twant...
They sat in company with the others in other shanties, their eyes straining against crude walls and their souls asking if He meant to measure their puny might against His. They seemed to be staring at the dark, but their...