Fourth Wall Entertainment Troupe provides interactive theatrical experiences by producing quality entertainment through drama, dance, music, comedy and culture. We endeavor to support our community and enlighten audiences with whimsical live theatre. ...
The analysis of the empirical material revealed three main locations of the fourth wall as it moved and changed qualities during the learning session: 1) A traditional theatre location, where the wall was transparent for the audience, but opaque for the participants in the fictio...
2)Performance:A naturalistic performance (following the techniques of Stanislavski) requires that the actor completely understands and inhabits every aspect of the characters' life, as well as the motivation and lines that are to be spoken.
As these recent books demonstrate, the study of philosophy has become (appropriately so) the latest breakthrough in theatre studies. The study of fictional worlds and fictional entities (more generally pertaining to literature) has actually, though, been around for quite some time in philosophical c...