distributed by Fathom Events. “The Chosen,” the groundbreaking historical drama that has become one of the most-watched shows in the world, announced its Season 4 theatrical release plan to more than 3,500 avid fans Sunday night in Dallas, TX at “The Chosen Insiders...
Once David had the gall to cast himself as a latter-day Robert F. Kennedy, quoting the martyr: "I saw wrong and tried to right it." "Wrongs righted" this season include 1: Pledging to drop a friend who gets cancer, because who needs that in their life. 2: Trying to close down ...
Distributed through Fathom Events and beginning Feb. 2, THE CHOSEN episodes 7 and 8 of Season 3 will show at least two times per theater over two days with extended runs possible both domestically and in the U.K., Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Tickets for THE CHOSEN episodes...
she has a name — Jodi (Ava Michelle) — but that’s not nearly as important as the fact that she stands at 6 feet 1 inch. It’s really important to the plot of this sequel, because quite frankly, it’s the only thing working against her. Jodi has started a relationship with her ...
He will sit in the temple of God showing himself that he is God. He has no regard for the God of his fathers, which is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He honors the god of forces, which is Satan, with gold, silver, precious stones and costly gifts. He glorifies the Devil...