关节面 虽然这些滑膜关节具有平面变化,但在脊柱的不同区域,关节突上关节面的形状和方向不同。 在颈椎区域,关节突从椎弓根和椎板的连接处形成突出的侧向投影。它们带有水平的椭圆形关节面,这些关节面位于斜平面上。上关节面向上、向后和略向内侧,而下关节面向下...
zygapophysis (redirected fromzygapophyseal) Medical zyg·a·poph·y·sis (zĭg′ə-pŏf′ĭ-sĭs, zī′gə-) n.pl.zyg·a·poph·y·ses(-sēz′) One of two usually paired processes of the neural arch of a vertebra that articulates with corresponding parts of adjacent vertebrae...
The zygapophyseal joints in computerized tomography picture of degenerative spondylolisthesis. [Polish]Krolewski, JSmereczynski, ADaniel, B
described as segmental palpation that focused on three parameters: tissue texture change, restriction of vertebral motion and zygapophyseal (z) joint tenderness. They found the IER of examination that considered
(dual centroprezygapophyseal laminae, anteroposteriorly compressed spine composed primarily of spinozygapophyseal rather than spinodiapophyseal laminae, drooping transverse processes), yet two features of the spine are never seen in such vertebrae: the spine is wholly unsplit without even a hint ...
And yet … counterpoint: the processes don’t look crushed: check out the really nice 3d preservation of the neural spine metapophyses, the prezygs, the transverse processes, the nice, rounded parapophyseal rami, and even the ventral aspect of the centrum. This vertebra is actually in prett...
The Upper Cretaceous Djadokhta Formation has been intensively surveyed for its fossil vertebrate fauna for nearly a century. Amongst other theropods, dromaeosaurids and parvicursorines are common in the formation, but ornithomimosaurs are extremely rare.
Additionally, postzygapophysis lamina and centropostzygapophyseal lamina were also described. On transverse cross-sections of the tail, the muscle architecture and the location of accumulated adipose tissue are visible (Figure 7). Fat tissue begins to deposit behind the cloacal region, initially ...
One explanation for such differences might be the triggered inflammatory processes that lead to swelling or intraarticular synovial fluid collection, which in peripheral joints is easily recognisable clinically, whereas the zygapophyseal joints do not offer such a clinical feature. In addition, fluid ...
zyg•a•poph•y•sis (ˌzɪg əˈpɒf ə sɪs, ˌzaɪ gə-) n.,pl.-ses(-ˌsiz) one of the four processes of a vertebra, occurring in pairs that interlock each vertebra with the vertebrae above and below. ...