The Zone of Interest是我最近的一部 --- 昨天才拉了同办公室的德国人一起看。它给我的震撼和思考远远超过了其他几部电影。我回家后翻看了若干review,听几个小时的podcast,simply can’t get it out of my mind。于是决定坐下来为它写一篇长评。电影围绕着奥斯维辛集中营指挥官Rudolf Höss 一家展开。Rudol...
6.7 力荐 0看过 0想看 片 名利益区域 上映时间2023年12月08日(美国) 导 演乔纳森·格雷泽 又 名兴趣之地 利害之畿 The Zone of Intere... 编 剧马丁·艾米斯乔纳森·格雷泽 主 演桑德拉·惠勒克里斯蒂安·富里道尔洛夫·赫佛斯/罗夫赫佛斯Maximilian BeckMarie Rosa Tietjen ...
这位英国导演已有十年之久未拍长片,上一部作品还是2013年公映的《皮囊之下》(Under the Skin)。 这一次他带来德语新片《利益区间》(The Zone of Interest),拯救了卢米埃影厅里昏昏欲睡的评委。 多部令人瞩目的大片为戛纳影展拉开序幕,比如德普复出首作《杜巴利伯爵夫人》,老福特告别影片《夺宝奇兵5》,不过这些...
1、脫開二次大戰的時間線,脫開受苦的猶太人和令人髮指的納粹行徑,以「陌異化(Defamiliarization)」的角度去看熟悉不過的史實與材料,那麼,利益區域( The Zone of Interest,2023)是一部托意於歷史事件的當代寓言和警語。 2、比虐待狂更驚悚的是,男主角是一部工作機器,一如人本心理學家佛洛姆所擔憂,當代人最大的...
记得上一次以声音配合画面作为主要叙事方式的电影是科波拉的《窃听大阴谋》。这部《the zone of interest》把声里的故事和画中的故事做了一暗一明的并置处理,并在结尾赋予了“拟人化”的震撼配乐,让人叹为观止。…
One of the year's most unconventional films, "The Zone of Interest" stars Christian Friedel and Sandra Hüller as a Nazi couple raising their children next door to Auschwitz. Written and directed by Jonathan Glazer ("Under the Skin"), the movie is a loose adaptation of Martin Amis' novel ...
The Zone of Interest Thank God ‘Anora’ Is (Probably) Going to Win Best Picture — In Review 2/15/2025 by David Ehrlich Indiewire ‘Dog Man’ barks up £3.2m to top UK-Ireland box office; ‘Macbeth’, ‘September 5’ in top five ...
Read up on the latest The Zone of Interest News, Reviews and Features from the team at Collider.
Jonathan Glazer Donates Signed ‘Zone of Interest’ Posters to Cinema for Gaza Auction; Fundraiser Reaches Over $50,000 in First Day Film 12 months Over 1,000 Jewish Creatives and Professionals Have Now Denounced Jonathan Glazer’s ‘Zone of Interest’ Oscars Speech in Open Letter (EXCLUSIVE...
► Forum ► Film Discussion ► The Vault ► The Zone of Interest (Jonathan Glazer) The Zone of Interest (Jonathan Glazer) Started by wilder, October 17, 2023, 04:03:16 PM0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. Print...