“I want people to see them because they both make us aware of what humans are capable of, and that it is a decision, who we want to be. Sandra chose to be this open person that isn’t applauded for it all the time. And the people inThe Zone of Interestalso made a decision. It...
so folks so for his computer so for the weaver so full of doubt and so generally so get off of me im n so gigantic geode so give me time so given the star so goodbye so grace so graceful so haggard so harmonious interpe so he called out so he decided to so he get cold so he...
leveling of instrumen leveling-in zone levelinghead levelingnetwork levelling luffing cra levelly levelmethod leveloff levels of industriali levels rise leveltable level normal levenberg-marquardt m lever complete clutch lever grease gun lever latch block lever off lever weight levertype safety valv leve...
Their moody landscapes, urban scenes, and interiors with an unsettling, film-noir sensibility - executed with consummate craftsmanship - distort realism into a twilight zone of millennial angst.The attention sparked by this show and a 2005 exhibition at the Cleveland Museum of Art ignited "...
“I think playing the European style has always benefited me, a lot more one on one, less physical, just playing with my head and feet and less with the body,”Hannon said. “The transition to pro has been good — took a few games to get used to t...
The complex transition between open ocean and sea ice with the highly heterogeneous marginal ice zone is also challenging for the interpretation of satellite meas- urements. Therefore, airborne measurements can fill an important gap to sense boundary layer processes and cloud development in this ...
Thus at the level of phonology, instead of pronuncia in homeland Italian, ISE trilinguals with Italian as L1 or L2 would pronounce it as pronunciazone, probably under the joint influence of Eng. pronunciation and Span. pronunciación. Similarly, homeland Ger. provinziell gave way to provinzial...
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This chapter argues that both—media and capitalism—have a long history with the history of the media dating back long before capitalism emerged. While one of the key inventions supporting the widespread use of the media has been Gutenberg’s printing..
This was before I left home to go into the Royal Air Force, serving mostly in the Egyptian Canal Zone where I bought (purchase tax free!) Beecham’s Te Deum and Scherchen’s Les Troyens à Carthage. I managed to hear the Te Deum there once only – a wall of sound which later ...