Crawling-induced floor dust resuspension affects the microbiota of the infant breathing zone. Microbiome. 2018;6:25. Article Google Scholar Frankel M, Hansen EW, Madsen AM. Effect of relative humidity on the aerosolization and total inflammatory potential of fungal particles from dust-inoculated ...
I want to return to Castells’s analysis of the breakdown of Soviet statism. Today, the question of systemic breakdown is worth revisiting because from the theoretical structure of Castells’s account, a sharper perspective on our contemporary crisis, this time of liberal democracy, might be deve...
Jahrhundert weiterhin das Recht auf eine eigene Einflusszone im östlichen Europa habe. Mit seinem historisch hergeleiteten Mantra eines deutsch-russischen Bilateralismus bediente Putin geschickt die Gemütslage der deutschen Öffentlichkeit. Als Grundursache für den „desolaten Zustand“ der e...
Der Beitrag begreift die Mission als contact zone, in der Unterschiede verhandelt und kulturelle Grenzen überschrit- ten bzw. gezogen wurden. Dabei erweist sich die Missionssituation auch als trans- lation zone par excellence: Beschreibungen religiöser Praktiken lassen sich als Dokumente ...
31.Marienburger Treßlerbuch. The Muslim People of Desht-i Qipchaq in Fifteenth-Century Prussia145took place shortly before 25 December 1402, there is mention of the burning ofa brickyard and aHackelwerk,29i.e., a quasi-suburbium, near the castle. Duringthe attack ‘certain Tatars’, ...
languages of the ancient world, German orientalism helped to destroy Western self-satisfaction, and to provoke a momentous change in the culture of the West: the relinquishing of Christianity and classical antiquity as universal norms.” I’ll quote some passages to give you a sense of her ...
Between these two ends of the scale is a mixed zone of terms which areneither nationally idiosyncratic nor can be transferred without problems. Thismixed zone, the one where discussion usually takes place, is of special interestfor intraphilological studies of translation, not least because of the...
… [And second, it would show] Germans in the Soviet zone … that we’re not fraternising with their oppressors. It would encourage them, and it would make quite clear to the masters of the Zone that there would not be any privileges from us in the case of unification.’Footnote 2 ...
Arithmetic books, more often than not written by arithmetic teachers, constitute a specific genre within the corpus of mathematics books. The content of these books is quite stereotypical, not only within the Netherlands but across the Western European trade zone. The contents of these books is de...
Damit verkennt er bewusst, dass dieses verhängnisvolle Vertragswerk allseits als misslungener diplomatischer Versuch in der europäischen Geschichte gilt und Ap- 100 So der Begriff von Daniel Koerfer: Deutsch-sowjetische Beutepartnerschaft. Zweiter Weltkrieg – Kriegsbeginn 1939, in: ...