then documents examiner for the California Department of Justice, concluded that the Zodiac was responsible for the notes linked to the Bates case. The “Riverside connection” was later revealed to the public
Absolutely true are the notes that The Zodiac sent to police, read by Marty Lindsay, who plays the killer, but whose face we never see. It’s a flat, almost monotone, reflecting the same calm, deliberate way we see him commit the killings. Unhurried, absolutely in control, the complete ...
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger notes: "[w]hatever the shortcomings of its execution, the Chinese campaign reflected a serious, long-term strategic analysis." The Chinese entered northern Vietnam and captured some of the cities near the border. On March 6, 1979, China declared that the ...
Law-enforcement officers from two Bay Area counties and San Francisco, meeting on October 20, 1969 to compare notes toward catching the Zodiac Killer before he struck again. 3. Arthur Leigh Allen Why Suspected:Portrayed as the prime suspect in Robert Graysmith’s books, one of which was the ...
The Zodiac Killer is arguably the most famous unsolved collection of serial killings that America has ever experienced. No other crime spree, save for the Jack the Ripper murders of the 19th century, has captured the imaginations of gawkers, copycats, and conspiracy theorists in the way that th...
Notes of a native son_ The world according to James Baldwin - Christina Greer 04:15 Oxygen’s surprisingly complex journey through your body - Enda Butler 05:10 One of the most epic engineering feats in history - Alex Gendler 05:16 One of the most difficult words to translate... -...
“NEW ZODIAC BOAST! CLAIMS 3 VICTIMS IN TWO NOTES!” The world did not explode. Instead,The Zodiac Killerwas made. And antithetical statements on the miserable lives of human beings would never be so flawlessly articulated again. So what do we have here?The Zodiac Killeris, first and forem...
On July 4th, 1969, as fireworks pop off in the skies above the Bay Area city of Vallejo, California, the “Zodiac” killer shoots his first two victims in lovers’ lane. One month later, an encrypted letter is sent to the San Francisco Chronicle, with the killer threatening to murder a...
Steve Huff, who’s been following this story on our sister publication,True Crime Report, notes that crime author M. William Phelps — who Perez approached last year with the revelation that her stepfather, Guy Ward Hendrickson was the Zodiac Killer — also claims Perez told him she was JFK...
In his life of Demosthenes, Plutarch notes that Greek opinion held that "the first requisite of a man's happiness is birth in a famous city." Virtue, however, can flourish anywhere, Plutarch says, and as for him, "I live in a small city, and I prefer to dwell there that it may ...