J. Creswick, "Exact results for the zeros of the partition function of the Potts model on finite lattices," Physica A, vol. 281, pp. 252-261, 2000.S.-Y. Kim and R. J. Creswick, Exact results for the zeros of the partition function of the Potts model on finite lattices, Physica ...
The relation between the zeros of the partition function and spinodal critical points in Ising models with long-range interactions is investigated. We find that the spinodal is associated with the zeros of the partition function in four-dimensional complex temperature/magnetic field space. The zeros ...
With this comultiplication, we study the zeros and poles of the quantum current operators and present a condition of integrability on the quantum current of $U_q\\\left(\\\hat{\\\frak sl}(2)ight)$, which is a deformation of the corresponding condition for $\\\hat{\\\frak sl}(2)$...
Computing all the zeros of an analytic function and their respective multiplicities, locating clusters of zeros and analytic fuctions, computing zeros and poles of meromorphic functions, and solving systems of analytic equations are problems in computational complex analysis that lead to a rich blend ...
It is known [l] that the function K,, (z) has in the domain 1arg z 1-at a finite number of simple zeros z, n, which are complex conjugate in pairs. The number 2k of these zeros equals the even numbe; closest to n - $4.For simplicity it is assumed that n is an integer: ...
The microcanonical transfer matrix is used to study the distribution of Yang-Lee zeros of the q -state Potts model in the complex magnetic-field plane. Finite size scaling suggests that at the critical temperature the zeros he close to, but not on, the unit circle with the exception of the...
A general method is given by which the density of complex temperature zeros of the canonical partition function, characterizing the temperature behaviour of a many particle system, can be calculated if only line densities occur. As a result it is shown that straight lines of zeros and a simple...
partition function[pär′tish·ən ‚fəŋk·shən] (statistical mechanics) The integral, over the phase space of a system, of the exponential of (-E / kT), where E is the energy of the system, k is Boltzmann's constant, and T is the temperature; from this function al...
coeff = polyfit(x,(y2-y1),100); % Perform a degree 100 polynomial curve fit on the difference between y1 and y2. possible_zeros = sort(unique(abs(roots(coeff))); % Roots of the polynomial curve fit - the absolute value is to convert complex roots, and the unique() function turns...
On the zeros of linear combinations of derivatives of the Riemann zeta function, Ⅱ The relevant number to the Dirichlet series G(s) = Sigma(infinity)(n=1) a(n) n(-s) , is defined to be the lo log n unique integer a with a(n) not equal 0, ... KP Koutsaki,A Tamazyan,A ...