An attractive and well-to-do New Yorker, Erica Benton (Jill Clayburgh), finds her comfortable existence upended when her husband, Martin (Michael Murphy), ends their marriage and takes up with a younger woman. Hurt and angered by her husband's betrayal, Erica slowly begins to reevaluate her...
The setting, high school, is a familiar backdrop, but The Kissing Booth brings a fresh and modern take to it, resonating with a younger audience while invoking a sense of nostalgia in older viewers. What elevates The Kissing Booth to one of the greatest teen romance movies is its ability...
Younger Man 1 episode, 2003 Adam Nee ... Smith's Fan 1 episode, 2004 Marc Forget ... Museum Curator 1 episode, 2004 Éric Naggar ... Doorman #2 1 episode, 2004 Deborah Zoe ... Melissa 1 episode, 1998 Lou Liberatore ... Lou 1 episode, 1998 Jo-Jo Lowe ... ...
4 Women on Dating Younger Men“I definitely go back to him whenever I need an ego boost.” ByBindu Bansinath year in reviewDec. 20, 2024 The 9 Best Sex Diaries of 2024From a 43-year-old divorced dad who’s surprised by how wild his younger date is to a woman having a threesome ...
Actress Raima Sen who plays one of the lead roles in the movie, “The Japanese Wife”, the role of a young widow who has a lot of inner strength has enacted the role with perfection. She also launched the DVD of the movie. After the launch of the DVD of “The Japanese Wife” the...
Rising star Annie Starke is one of Hollywood’s most exciting actors working today. In The Wife, directed by Björn Runge, Annie plays Glenn Close’s title character at a younger age, decades before the main action. Starke made her professional debut in Nora Ephron’s off-Broadway hit Love...
The Zookeeper's Wife: Directed by Niki Caro. With Jessica Chastain, Johan Heldenbergh, Daniel Brühl, Timothy Radford. Keepers of the Warsaw Zoo, Antonina and Jan Zabinski, must save hundreds of people and animals during the Nazi invasion in WWII Poland.
Lola (Nicola Peltz Beckham) works hard to to save enough money to rescue her younger brother Arlo (Luke David Blumm), from their toxic and oppressive home life and their mother Mona (Virginia Madsen). Driven by her desire to provide him with the opportunities she never had, Lola's focuses...
Zac Efron plays the younger Mike O'Donnell as he attempts to recapture his youth and have fun. His teen years were cut short when he found out his girlfriend, now his wife, was pregnant in their senior year of high school. Complicating his efforts to recapture his youth is that he has...
Movie ⇓ similarity ⇓ Yes No 19% Also search: Movies similar to Sleeping Beauties 3.2 Cougar School (2009) 6.2 71 Trailer Watchlist Genre: Comedy Country: USA Duration: 84 min. Story: Karen leaves Zack to go on the hunt with her Step Mother for wealthy younger men. Style...