Hamidian massacres of the 1890s, travelled to Turkey and set up hisDeutsch-Orient Mission. Lepsius reported on his face-to-face encounter with War Minister Enver Pasha in 1915, who told him point blank that the YoungTurks' policy was to eliminate the Armenians. (2) Jakob Keunzler, a ...
(author N.A.) “The Young Turks and Zionism,”The Times, 14 April 1911. This article inThe Timescame out soon after Celal Nuri suggested the settlement of Jews in Mesopotamia, which was in line with the policies of the Unionists. According to Koloğlu, since the German Anatolian Railway ...
Turkey- a Eurasian republic in Asia Minor and the Balkans; on the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, the Young Turks, led by Kemal Ataturk, established a republic in 1923 Republic of Turkey Dardanelles campaign,Dardanelles- the unsuccessful campaign in World War I (1915) by the English...
Noun1.Dardanellescampaign-theunsuccessfulcampaigninWorldWarI(1915)bytheEnglishandFrenchtoopenapassageforaidtoRussia;defeatedbytheTurks Dardanelles First World War,Great War,War to End War,World War 1,World War I- awarbetweentheallies(Russia,France,BritishEmpire,Italy,UnitedStates,Japan,Rumania,Serbia,Be...
The 1915 Genocide in the Post-war Ottoman Press and in Parliamentary Records (1918–1919) Chapter © 2016 G. E. Modigliani in the Zimmerwald Movement: ‘War Against War’ and the United States of Europe Chapter © 2017 Introduction: Death’s Carnival: The Myriad Legacies of 1917 ...
Finally, it was the internal forces of Turkey that began to shake things up after a pattern that would become all too familiar in "underdeveloped" countries later: A military coup, the "Young Turks," against the detested Sulṭān ʿAbdül-Hamīd II, known as "the Damned," in 1908. ...
The Strangling and Death of the Great Turk, and his two Sons; with the strange Preservation and Deliverance of his Uncle Mustapha from Perishing in Prison, with Hunger and Thirst; the young Emperor, not three Days before, having so commanded. A wonderful Story, and the like never heard of...
As to the PalestinianNahda, the genesis of the Arabic Palestinian press is the work of many of the attendees of these Russian schools. The private Palestinian Arabic press was established in the immediate aftermath of the Young Turks’ revolution in 1908. More than 30 newspapers appeared in 1908...
(1915), Churchill was also responsible for the deaths of a quarter of a million human beings for his “Gallipoli campaign”. It was a resounding slaughter for the British, French and Russian “Allies” against the Ottoman Turks and yet Churchill rose [was elevated] to Prime Minister for the...
The Armenian genocide of 1915–1916 is linked to German history in a variety of ways. It is much more important to the course of German history than often acknowledged and needs to be perceived as an integral part of it. This importance stems not only fr