The Young Offenders《年少轻狂(2018)》第四季第六集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 本片含有粗俗语言 Thisprogrammecontainsstronglanguage. 我叫康纳·麦克斯威尼以下就是我 Myname'sConorMacSweeney,andthishereisthesecret 成功的秘密 tomysuccess. 去他的学校帮不了我一点-开除 ...
快点击[年少轻狂圣诞特辑 The Young Offenders Christmas Special 2018.mp4]打开它吧,保证是想要的。 你是不是还喜欢什么相关的东西,快和我说说~
内容提示: 科克郡最棒的一点就是我们有自己的监狱 One of the great things about Cork City is we've got our own prison, 所以出狱后不用走很远的路 so you don't have to walk far when you get let out. 麦克斯威尼 这次尽量在外面多待一个星期 Try and stay out longer than a week this time,...
尤其是那人在用自己的老二猛戳你老母亲 Especially when they're sticking their knob in your mam. 你俩能安静会儿不 Will you two shut up in there? 这会儿看谁更像个警长啊 MAIREAD: Who'sthe sergeant now? 康纳 Conor. 出去 Get out! 这上头写的什么 -请注意 康纳 What does this say? "...
The Young Offenders《年少轻狂(2018)》第四季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,本片含有粗俗语言 This programme contains strong language. 我叫康纳·麦克斯威尼 以下就是我 My names Conor MacSweeney, and this here is the secret 成功的秘密 to my success. 去他的学
内容提示: 前情提要 Here's what you missed in the last episode. 我觉得在毒贩家里 I don't think you should be throwing a birthday party 给六岁小朋友办生日派对不太合适吧 for a six- year- old in a drug dealer's house. 欢迎光临寒舍 Welcome to my humble abode. 确实挺寒酸的 She got ...
给大家推荐一个英剧《The Young Offenders(少年犯)》 “别人都说你很糟糕,但我知道你很棒” 刚开始看前两集觉得没太多感觉 但耐着性子看完其实能感受到很多温暖又感动的时刻 两个幼稚邋遢善良的高中男孩 嘴巴...
Epic series reveals the scandalous life of a young king whose affairs and obsession with producing a male heir changed marriage, the church, and the world. Read more: Plot summary Seasons 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 See all Creator Michael Hirst (written by) Showrunner Michael Hirst See all ...
少年犯 The Young Offenders S01E02 720p 电波字幕组 481M百度网盘电驴链接 少年犯 The Young Offenders S01E03 232MBT种子 少年犯 The Young Offenders S01E03 720p 645MBT种子 少年犯 The Young Offenders S01E03 720p 电波字幕组 449M百度网盘电驴链接 ...