Yijing, I Ching Before we begin let me say that it is beyond the scope of this web page to go into a detailed discussion of the Yijing (classic of change). I hope this short introduction will lead the student into a more detailed pursuit of the matter as explained in many of the f...
The Yijing (I Ching), or Scripture of Change, is traditionally considered the first and most profound of the Chinese classics. Originally a divination manual based on trigrams and hexagrams, by the beginning of the first millennium it had acquired written explanations and a series of appendices...
Yi Jing [I Ching]The Yi Jing is quite possibly the oldest book in the world. It happens to be a book of divination but one that has earned a central place in Asian culture. Confucius himself wrote commentaries about it and later Confucianists included it as one of the 13 works of the...
TheYijing (易经), also known as theI ChingorBook of Changes, is one of the most revered and enduring texts in Chinese culture, philosophy, and literature. Originating over three millennia ago, the Yijing serves as both a philosophical treatise and a divination manual, providing insights into ...
Becoming-Being Complementarity: A Yin-Yang Metaphysical Vision in the Yijing (I Ching)Berkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksBo MouInternational Conference on Chinese Philosophy
Here you can consult the Yijing / I Ching oracle (free). Keep a question or situation for the oracle to comment on in your mind, and click the button 6 times to throw virtual coins. The hexagram and its changing lines are calculated automatically, and shown while you're doing the...
Related to Yijing:I Ching I Ching (ē jĭng) n. A Chinese book of ancient origin consisting of 64 interrelated hexagrams along with commentaries attributed to Confucius. The hexagrams, originally used for divination, embody Taoist philosophy by describing all nature and human endeavor in terms...
The Book of Changes (I Ching, Yijing) The Book of Changes (易 经), also known as I Ching or Yijing, is one of the oldest of the classical Chinese texts with its basic principles traditionally dating back to the legendary Chinese leader Fu Xi (伏羲) circa 2800 BC - 2737 BC. Modern...
Judgment 明夷。利艰贞。 Míng Yí indicates that (in the circumstances which it denotes) it will be advantageous to realise the difficulty (of the position), and maintain firm correctness. 彖曰。明入地中。明夷。内文明而外柔顺。以蒙大难。文王以之。利艰贞。晦其明也。内难而能正其志。箕子以...
Nielsen, B.JOURNAL OF ASIAN STUDIES -ANN ARBOR-Smith Richard J., Fathoming the Cosmos and Ordering the World: The Yijing (I Ching or Classic of Changes) and Its Evolution in China. University of Virginia Press. ISBN 978-0813927053 , 2008. :...