夏洛特·帕金斯·吉尔曼(Charlotte Perkins Gilman,1860- 1935)是美国首次女权主义运动的主要理论家和活动家之一。她于1892年出版短篇小说《黄色壁纸》(The Yellow Wallpaper),1898年出版《妇女与经济》( Women and Economics)。在1909年至1916年期间,她主办了杂志《先锋》(The Forerunner)。 吉尔曼在当时提出一些著名的...
The paint and paper look as if a boys' school had used it. It is stripped off - the paper - in great patches all around the head of my bed, about as far as I can reach, and in a great place on the other side of the room low down. I never saw a worse paper in my life. ...
夏洛蒂·帕金斯·吉尔曼是19世纪末20世纪初美国著名的女性主义作家,她的短篇小说《黄色壁纸》(“The Yellow Wallpaper”)成为了继夏洛蒂·勃朗特《简·爱》之后,另一部窥探女性精神健康的文学作品,它试图矫正…
黄色墙纸The Yellow Wallpaper中文版《黄色墙纸》 夏洛特•佩金斯•吉尔曼著 杨晓照译 第一章 像约翰和我这样的普通人竟保护着祖传的夏季礼堂,这真是件稀罕事。 这是一所殖民地豪宅,世袭财产,让人感受到浪漫的幸福,然而却幽藏着太多的未知命运,我想说那是一座闹鬼的豪宅。 我还敢大胆地宣布那里必定有些什么...
yellow墙纸wallpaper原著黄色john TheYellowWallpaper1TheYellowWallpaperCharlottePerkinsGilmanTheYellow Wallpaper2ItisveryseldomthatmereordinarypeoplelikeJohnandmyselfsecure ancestralhallsforthesummer. Acolonialmansion,ahereditaryestate,Iwouldsayahauntedhouse,andreachthe heightofromanticfelicity--butthatwouldbeaskingtoo...
The Yellow Wallpaper读后感批注本地保存成功开通会员云端永久保存去开通 ThePyrrhic victory “The Yellow Wallpaper”is a short story written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.In this short story, Gilman used the first-person narrative to narrate a woman’sexperienceand feelings after she was asked to accept...
Yukino_雪野创作的有声图书有声书作品黄色墙纸(The Yellow Wallpaper),目前已更新8个声音,收听最新音频章节黄色墙纸 - 第四章第三集。《黄色墙纸》,这部经典短篇小说最早在1892年出版在“新英格兰”杂志上。发表之初,被评论是一个神经失...
The Yellow Wallpaper1The Yellow WallpaperCharlotte Perkins Gilman 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 3 p. 学习效率 5 p. 孟加拉_格莱珉模式_和我国_琼中模式_的比较研究 2 p. 婚庆摄像:一定要拍摄的68个镜头 2 p. 婚庆主持词 6 p. 如此简单 三步学会制作动态QQ表情 11 p. 如何跟刚认识...
The Yellow Wallpaper Charlotte Perkins Gilman 1 The Yellow Wallpaper It is very seldom that mere ordinary people like John and myself secure ancestral halls for the summer. A colonial mansion, a hereditary estate, I would say a haunted house, ...
The Yellow Wallpaper is a story by the American writer Charlotte Perkins Gilman. It is regarded as an important early work of American feminist literature, illustrating attitudes in the 19th century toward women's physical and mental health. Presented in the first person, the story is a collecti...