The same year he broke out across America, Elvis Presley found himself at the center of a major controversy. While performing his version of Big Mama Thornton's "Hound Dog" on "The Milton Berle Show," Presley swung his guitar aside and gyrated his pelvis before a legion of screaming fans...
Louise Fletcher took an 11-year break from her acting career to raise her children. The woman-as-antagonist stereotype wasn't appreciated during the women's movement, so many heavyweight actors turned down the role of uber-villain Nurse Ratched. Fletcher's backstory for the nurse was more abou...
We start our quest to find the best science fiction film the year you were born in 1920.Stackercreated an index that equally weights each film's IMDb score and Rotten Tomatoes critic rating (when available) to rank all science fiction films in a given year. The film with the highest Stack...
Fair warning: You might need to schedule a lot more time for bedtime stories for you and your little ones to get through all these beloved books. Continue reading to see some of the most popular children's books published the year you were born. 1920: 'The Story of Doctor Dol...
Want to know the most controversial song from the year you were born? Read below to find the answer. And don't be afraid to check your birth year, because we're going way back on this one — all the way back to the prohibition era in the U.S. So you'll certainly be able to ...
Want to know the most controversial song from the year you were born? Read below to find the answer. And don't be afraid to check your birth year, because we're going way back on this one — all the way back to the prohibition era in the U.S. So you'll certainly be able to ...
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Read on to learn which cars were a big hit the year you were born. Albert Percy Godber//Wikimedia Commons 1 1918: Ford Model T The very first Ford Model T rolled off a very new automotive assembly line in 1908 and truly gave America its first affordable wheels. A decade later, only...
1978 《The Last Time I Felt Like This》出自《Same Time, Next Year》(明年此时) - Johnny Mat 04:24 1978 《When You're Loved》 出自《The Magic of Lassie》(莱西的魔法) 03:27 1978《Hopelessly Devoted to you》出自《GREASE》(油脂)歌舞片 ...
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