Trust No 1 : strategie e politiche di espansione cinematografica di un franchise seriale tv : il caso X-Files. The essay is dedicated to the analysis of the building of the US TV series X-Files, a real end-millennium cult, in multimedia franchise, with a particular ... R Moccagatta ...
As Newman mentioned, stories about the “X-Files” team’s interest in coming back to the franchise have waxed and waned over the 15 years since the show’s initial end in 2002. Actually, if you count Duchovny’s decision to “leave” the show at the end of Season 7, then return for...
Mark Snow - THE X FILES End Credits (Extended #1) 专辑: The X-Files: Volume Two 歌手:Mark Snow 纯音乐,请欣赏 Mark Snow - THE X FILES End Credits (Extended #1) / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 THE X FILES End Credits Mark Snow 00:35...
The X Files: Created by Chris Carter. With Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, Mitch Pileggi, William B. Davis. Two F.B.I. Agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained, while hidden forces work to imp
The X Files: Directed by Rob Bowman. With David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, John Neville, William B. Davis. Mulder and Scully must fight the government in a conspiracy and find the truth about an alien colonization of Earth.
THEXFILES End Credit (Extended #1) 0:35 Disc One Total Time: 72:58 Disc Two: THEXFILES Main Title (Short) 0:37 3X09 - NISEI Choo Choo Sushi 4:09 Rail Song 6:42 3X10 - 731 Graves 2:55 Derailed 11:53 3X15 - PIPER MARU ...
X档案已被终止TheXFileshadbeenshutdown. 探测之眼被蒙蔽Theyclosedoureyes. 召唤之音也被封闭Ourvoiceshavebeensilenced. 连耳朵也无法再听见无限宇宙的声音Ourearsnowdeaftotherealmsofextreme possibilities. 我代表地球人类向大家问好Isendgreetingsonbehalfofthepeopleofourplanet. ...
"The X Files" Season 2, Episode 17: End Game的剧情简介· ··· 在阿拉斯加,一艘潜艇出事,卡在冰层下。 史卡利失踪,穆德很耽心,莎曼珊说外星人觉得地球人不配在地球上生存,所以打算殖民,他们在地球各地做无性繁殖的实验,但因为有些实验并没有被批准,所以外星人派出赏金猎人阻止计画进行。 赏金猎人...