So essentially, what difference do they make to the series? None, so I applaud the X-files team for this one. If anyone reads this that worked on this episode I'd like to know where I can find out more about it.Totally Rad. Helpful•57 6 ...
Season 9 • Episode 20 On trial for murder, Mulder justifies the existence of the X-Files. Thursday, March 6 11:00 PM Pilot Season 1 • Episode 1 Mulder and Scully travel to the Northwest to investigate a series of deaths. Friday, March 7 ...
24. “Gethsemane”:Watch it.Oh so much drama and a classicX-Filescliffhanger. Part of me feels that you should have to endure the three-month wait between this episode and the Season 5 premiere that we humble fans did, back in the day. That would be the sadist part of me. We’ll ...
This is not the final episode ofThe X-Files, but it sure feels like it is. Duchovny had one foot out the door of this show, and “Requiem” finds Mulder almost completely bereft of the purpose that drove him through the first seven seasons. Mulder has found some answers, but never the...
public service announcement. Optimus Prime, leader of the Transformers, falls prey to prostate cancer. The outcome is never in doubt during "World's Most One-Sided Fistfights Caught on Film." Outtakes from Dukes of Hazzard, The X-Files, Battlestar Galactica and more come to light in "...
This wouldn’t be the first time thatX-Filescharacters have been animated on FOX. David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson played their iconic characters, FBI Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully (pictured), in a 1997 installment ofThe Simpsons, whileThe X-Fileswas still airing. ...
For our first matchups of round three, two will-they-or-won’t-they couples face off as Castle battles The X-Files. We also have two black-and-white classic comedies facing each other, I Love Lucy and The Andy Griffith Show! These round three polls will launch every other day, and be...
Alex Diakun(Uroff-Koltoff) previously played Curator inThe X-FilesepisodeHumbug, Tarot Dealer inClyde Bruckman's Final Repose,Dr.FingersinJosé Chung'sFrom Outer Space,Dr.Ephraim Fabricantin theMillenniumepisode "Lamentation" andGrebin "Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me". ...
If you feel you're in a genuine TV episode, it's no accident: X-Files creator Chris Carter is responsible for the game's story concept, which takes place between the series' third and fourth seasons. Despite its crystal clear cinematography and cinematic sound, you'll need the patience ...
Here's some real talk about we're so happy about more "X-Files" — even if it's not great — and why we can't wait for more.