The X-Files focused on the professional lives of two FBI special agents, Fox Mulder (played by David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson), who are charged with investigating unusual and unsolved cases, known as X-Files, that involved elements of the supernatural or paranormal. Some of...
The X Files: Created by Chris Carter. With Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, Mitch Pileggi, William B. Davis. Two F.B.I. Agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained, while hidden forces work to imp
The site reports, “Disney is developing a new version of The X-Files that would be produced by Ryan Coogler, the director of Black Panther and Creed.”Carter had previously teased the new series would feature “a diverse cast.”Stay tuned for more as we learn it.“The X-Files” ...
This method returns a NameValueTypeCollection class that contains the names of the replaceable parameters and, optionally, default values for those parameters. The remainder of the method dynamically creates the TextBox controls for entry on the form. The TypedHashtable template allows you to substit...
get in the habit of using the fully qualified name of the type to ensure it is represented correctly by the CodeDOM. In addition to replacing the type names with suitable values, you can modify the output parameters using the Class Output tab. Here, you select the lan...
I highly recommend that you use the IntPtr type. The reason is that with hooks you often need to cast that value to a particular data structure, a practice that is forbidden if the base type is a value type, as is an integer. Avoid using the object type, because the .NET object typ...
If I had made the default namespace for the document, then I could have referenced the global element names without using a namespace prefix (for example, ref="name"), as shown in Figure 5. The sample schemas in Figure 4 and Figure 5 are logically...
If you need to manipulate the node as an XmlNode object (for example, to apply changes) make sure that you use XmlDocument as the data store class and then cast the current element of the iterator to IHasXmlNode. From the reference type, IHasXmlNode calls the GetNode method, which ...
the wto general counc the x files i want to the x-files i want to the xaositects the xiangfan organiza the xiaolangdi key wa the xiongcun copper-g the yha the youth hos the years at the spri the yellow kid the yellow peril the yellow river and the yellowstone natio the yilbegan th...
QuantcastmcThis cookie is used to track anonymous information about how website visitors use the site.13 months YahooA3This cookie is used for search and advertising.One year YahoobThis cookie collects anonymous data related to the visitor's website visits, such as the number of visits, averag...