The X Files: Created by Chris Carter. With Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, Mitch Pileggi, William B. Davis. Two F.B.I. Agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained, while hidden forces work to imp
The X Files: Directed by Rob Bowman. With David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, John Neville, William B. Davis. Mulder and Scully must fight the government in a conspiracy and find the truth about an alien colonization of Earth.
《"The X Files" Season 2, Episode 16: Colony》是Nick Marck导演的一部电影。剧情简介 穆德被送进急诊室,生命垂危,史卡利赶来看他,并要求医生不要替他做一般冻疮治疗,冰冷是他唯一活下去的希望。现在回溯事情的发生,两星期前在北极,一架类似飞碟的的飞行器坠落海中,同时,有一些妇产科医师死亡,这些...
‘Daredevil: Born Again’ Stars Charlie Cox, Vincent D’Onofrio Break Down that Tense Diner Scene Movies Anthony Mackie Takes Flight in 'Captain America: Brave New World' Games 'Marvel Rivals' Season 1 Introduces Fantastic Four to Ever-Expanding Roster of Heroes ...
For our first matchups of round three, two will-they-or-won’t-they couples face off as Castle battles The X-Files. We also have two black-and-white classic comedies facing each other, I Love Lucy and The Andy Griffith Show! These round three polls will launch every other day, and be...
《"The X Files" Season 2, Episode 15: Fresh Bones》是Rob Bowman导演的一部电影。剧情简介 士兵麦亚平最近经常做恶梦,甚至见到早餐碗里都蛆,他惊吓之余,开车撞上了树,当场死亡,树上留着奇怪的符号。这是同一基地第二起自杀案件,但那不完全是一个基地,他们是在北卡罗来那州的海地难民处理中心,一个...
Encore(digital intermediate: season 11) Encore(electronic assembly) Encore(telecine transfers) Entertainment Clearances(rights and clearances) Executive Assurance(security) Gastown Post and Transfer(telecine transfers) (seasons 1-5) Heli Video Pros(drone aerial cinematography) ...
《"The X Files" Season 2, Episode 21: The Calusari》是Michael Vejar导演的一部电影。剧情简介 查理的父母赫维先生太太疼爱弟弟泰格,使他心生不满,过了没多久,泰格脱离妈妈控制,跟着汽球跑,没想到却被游乐场的小火车当场撞死。由于当时在游乐场的人员很多,在其中有人拍了照片,穆德怀疑那个汽球是有...
《"The X Files" Season 2, Episode 6: Ascension (豆瓣)》剧情简介:有网友激动地说:哇这支广东青年队简直是太猛了看得出来他们已是使出了全部的内力而丁珰更是疯狂扬起手中匕首一剑刺向慕容复胸口"The X Files" Season 2, Episode 6: Ascension (豆瓣)秋日的草原风声呼啸阳光下草地起伏...