Also found in: Medical, Wikipedia. X factor n informal an unknown or unexplained element that makes something more interesting or valuable Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, ...
作者:Source Wikipedia/Books, LLC 编 出版社:Books LLC, Wiki Series 副标题:X-Faktor, X Factor, Factor X, X-Factor, Sekret Uspekha, X Factor Indonesia, the X Factor, Xseer Al Najah 出版年:2011-8 页数:38 定价:$ 15.98 装帧:平装
Twitter Google Share on Facebook X factor (redirected fromEx factor) Medical X factor n informalan unknown or unexplained element that makes something more interesting or valuable Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, ...
Wikipedia Related to factor:Factor Models 1.Maths of two or more integers or polynomials whose product is a given integer or polynomial integer or polynomial that can be exactly divided into another integer or polynomial 2.Medany of several substances that participate in the clotting...
Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Medical,Legal,Financial,Idioms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. Related to FACTOR:Factor Models AcronymDefinition FACTORFoundation Assisting Canadian Talent on Recordings(est. 1982; Toronto, Ontario, Canada) Copyright, All rights reserved. ...
The timey wimey fun of Effect and Cause is popular enough to give the level its own Wikipedia entry, but the game is littered with shining ideas like this and you get to pilot a mech. Perfection. Fraser Brown: One of the last times I really clicked with an FPS campaign, Titanfall 2 ...
Thanks to Gary King and Mark Kilgard for their expertise on sRGB and their helpful comments regarding this chapter. Special thanks to actor Doug Jones for kindly allowing us to use his likeness. And finally,Figure 24-2was highly inspired by a very similar version we found on Wikipedia. ...
Wikipedia (you might guess that I find Wikipedia great for learning the discography of Miley Cyrus but poor for serious inquiries), appealing to “consensus” and “the scientific community,” judges Creation Science to be pseudoscience because creationism invokes supernatural causes. In the same arti...
I can’t completely vouch for every number on this table (which was sourced from Wikipedia), as Apple hasn’t yet released the full technical details of the M3 Ultra, and it’s not yet available for testing. What seems likely, however, is that instead of simply doubling up the M3 Max...