writ′ing desk` n. 1.a piece of furniture with a surface for writing on, usu. with drawers and compartments for writing materials. 2.a portable case that holds writing materials and that when opened forms a surface on which to write. ...
Posted on July 12, 2024 by writewyattuk I love reading around a subject while writing, and work on my book about The Jam has me not only returning to or finally delving into various other publications about the band, but also reliving the years around which they were together (1972 to...
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Every day he took a mysterious book out of his desk and absorbed himself in it at times when no classes were reciting. View in context Poor Lady Verinder (reclining thoughtlessly on her own sofa cushions) glanced at the book, and handed it back to me looking more confused than ever. Vi...
The Arts Desk’s team of professional critics offer unrivalled review coverage, in-depth interviews and features on popular music, classical, art, theatre, comedy, opera, comedy and dance. Dedicated art form pages, readers’ comments, What’s On and our
Writing, Marketing and Technology badlanguage.net "Rhymes.net- Rhymes & Chimes has an attractive façade to go with its name. The rhyming dictionary’s mission is to become the largest human-edited rhymes collection on the web. Results are broken down according to syllables, and you can also...
Image courtesy of Airbnb.co.uk Canary Wharf tends to be known as an area where people work – but it’s also where they live (and, thanks to the Elizabeth Line, it’s now even more accessible). This bespoke studio flat is on the smaller size, but what it lack in spaciousness, it...
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i am wearing my trous i am writing in reply i am yellow i am you i amnotafraidbecouset i and outs i answer your questio i answered curtly i applied for it i arch i argue back i argue that students i ask her tightly i ask people why they i ask quickly i ask the participant ...