: the personal supreme spirit of evil often represented in Christian belief as the tempter of humankind, the leader of all apostate angels, and the ruler of hell usually used with the often used as an interjection, an intensive, or a generalized term of abuse what the devil is this? the...
This paper analyzes the construction of Indian society in retellings of the Rāmāyaṇa published in India between 2010 and 2020. I focus on t
Here's a list of the most threatened animal species in the world. It approximates how many of each exist in the wild and also indicates which efforts, if any, are being used to save them.
According toDen Danske Ordbog, askurk[ˈsguɐ̯g] is a person who behaves in an unattractive, dishonest, or malicious manner, or a fictional character in a piece of fiction with the role of the hero’s evil counterpart and enemy or a person or thing that is or is made responsible ...
Ordination can be said to be the core of Buddhism and maintaining this tradition is the key to maintaining Buddhism. This was the realization of the monastics in early 19th century Korea such as Paekp’a (1767–1852), Taeŭn (1780–1841), and Manha (d.u.) who were the pioneers in ...
2. Irritable; cross: The teacher is out of sorts this morning. sort of Informal Somewhat; rather: "Gambling and prostitution ... have been prohibited, but only sort of" (George F. Will). [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin sors, sort-, lot; see ser- in Indo-European roo...
In a worst-case scenario, where the price of petrol soars by $1 per litre each year to 2017, the number of people trying to climb aboard a Forest Coach Lines bus between St Ives and the city would climb 1600 per cent. Instead of carrying about 1500 commuters in the morning peak each...
Worst-Case Scenario Economists at Standard Chartered Bank estimate that in a worst-case scenario—where the U.S. imposes a uniform 10% tariff hike on all Indian imports—India’s economy could experience a decline of 50 to 60 basis points. This projection assumes an 11%-12% drop in Indian...
It is no secret that organized religion is where you will find some of the worst corruption and evildoing anywhere next to the government. Where does all the money go that these Calvary Chapel places suck in? Ask them and they will never tell you. Since when does a church turn its back...