Humankind is now facing a global crisis. Perhaps the biggest crisis of our generation. The decisions people and governments take in the next few weeks will probably shape the world for years to come. They will shape not just our healthcare systems but also our economy, politics and culture....
The pandemic arrived at the worst possible time. After an early crash, demand in several fields boomed Locked-down consumers bought laptops and other devices. Cloud-computing operators added servers to deal with the wave of hom...
The Worst Presidential Scandals in American History A Corrupt Bargain Andrew Johnson's Impeachment The Whiskey Ring The Trader Post Scandal Teapot Dome Watergate Iran Contra Affair Lewinsky Scandal Donald Trump’s First Impeachment Donald Trump’s Second Impeachment Donald Trump’s Hush Money Conviction...
it is urgent to raise minimum living standards and meet the aspirations of billions of people around the world who struggle to afford the full range of basic needs. On the other hand, equally important, is the imperative to protect the planet from the worst consequences of climate change. Th...
Vik Malhotra:In the grander context of things, there are a few things that are different. Decision making is a whole lot faster than it’s ever been. There is a need for you as a leader, a CEO and a leader, to make decisions, often with imperfect data, in week...
165-What if the World turned to Gold_ - The Gold Apocalypse 31209:16 166-Worst Nuclear Accidents in History 31410:39 167-What if We Nuke the Moon 28308:40 168-Can You Upload Your Mind & Live Forever 31213:57 169-What If Earth got Kicked Out of the Solar System_ Rogue Earth 29809:...
MJ: I have seen the worst…the nightmare of the human condition, the human soul. I would never even think that common man would be capable of behaving in such a way.(rabbi comments about MJ’s tirade against Tommy Mottola a few months later)SB: Children never did that to you, Michael...
more accurately.The award was given by an organisation(2)(call)Innovate UK for International Women's Day celebrations.Sharon is one of 38 women from the UK to have received the award.The award aims to support brilliant wome...
The year 2023 marks the mid-point of the 15-year period envisaged to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, targets for global development adopted in September 2015 by all United Nations Member States. To help track where we are on this journey, and to amplify success stories, in this ...
The worst nuclear disaster in U.S. history broke out at the 3 Mile Island reactor facility in eastern Pennsylvania in March 1979. Proper controls that should have been developed as part of routine safety procedures were not in place. Then the situation was made worse by human error because ...