""Grand Pursuit "is a worthy successor to Robert Heilbroner's "The Worldly Philosophers. . . . "Nasar's aim is to put the reader into the lives of the characters of a sweeping historical drama that extends from Victorian England to modern-day India. That she largely succeeds reflects the...
Christmas Evecollects three of Alistair Cooke’s Christmas-time stories from his legendary BBC “Letters from America” broadcast. I listened to the audiobook version of the collection,Letters from America, 1946-1004, recently, and saddened at the thought that his sublimely calm, balanced voice is...
The ploy fails, and he must side with the high priest, Caiaphas, in the conclusion that “it is better for you that one man should die” so the community can avoid worldly trouble (John 11:50). “Are you the king of the Jews?” Pilate asks, and Jesus replies, “You say so” (L...
The concept of "before time" is one that scientists and philosophers have discussed and debated throughout time. If the universe was indeed created in a "Big Bang," what existed before that, before time? Have your students research some of the current thinking and report on their own ...
My first experience with author V. E. Schwab was through her middle grade/young adult novel,The Archived(which she published as Victoria Schwab) a novel that is a bit darker and subtler than one would expect given its target audience. I later listened to the excellentViciouson audiobook and...