D The Internet has developed into a global platform (平台) connecting people worldwide. With over 7,000 languages spoken worldwide, it's unsurprising that many languages are used on the Internet. However, English content takes up over half of all written content online, despite only around 16...
44.答案:A.考查名词.place的意思是"地方";square的意思是"广场";time的意思是"时间";thing的意思是"事情";根据下文"The Web has become a place where people around the globe can instantly(立即地) interact(互动)"网络已经成了一个世界各地的人们进行立即互动的地方了,因此可知这句话的意思是"现在,网络...
Unit 1 The World Wide Web Unit1TheWorldWideWeb Teachingobjectives:Afterlearningthissection,thestudentsarereqiuredto:graspsomeofbasictheoriesrelatedtobusiness;graspsomeimportantwordsandexpressions;haveabetterunderstandingoftherelationshipbetweenEnglishandthesuccessofbusiness;understandbrieflythe...
Unit-1-The-World-Wide-Web课件Unit 1 The World Wide Web Teaching objectives: After learning this section, the students are reqiured to: 1.grasp some of basic theories related to business; 2.grasp some important words and expressions; 3.have a better understanding of the relationship between ...
The Creator of the World Wide Web万维网的出现彻底改变了世界,创造了大量的财富并从根本上改变了人们的生活方式。而它的创始人英国计算机科学家蒂姆·伯姆斯·李对于自己这一成果的现状并不十分满意。一起去了解一下这位“万维网之父”吧Most people have neverheard of Tim Berners-Lee.He is not nearly as ...
根据第一句“The invention of world wide web(互联网) has changed the way we communicate, learn, even shop.”可知此处是指互联网是由Sir Tim Berherslee发明的。故选C。 2. 考查形容词词义辨析。great很好的;small小的;large大的;short短的。根据后句“It was impossible for common people to ...
《计算机专业英语》TheWorldWideWeb.pdf,Computer English Chapter 9 The World Wide Web Requirements: • 理解万维网(World Wide Web)的工作原理; • 能够描述Internet和万维网的特征及其服务; •了解学术论文写作的有关知识。 The invention of the Web brought
Chapter9TheWorldWideWeb 9.1HYPERTEXT WebpagescanbeaccessedthroughtheInternetbecausetheWebbrowsersoftwareoperatingyourPCcanrequestWebpagesstoredonanInternethostserverusingtheHTTPprotocol.因为操作个人计算机的网络浏览器软件能使用HTTP协议,对储存在因特网主机服务器上的网页发出请求,所以能通过因特网访问万维网网页。Hype...
The rise of Chinese tech companies like DeepSeek shed light on the innovative and inclusive approach of China's sci-tech development, Lou said, adding that DeepSeek's adherence to an open-source technological approach has contributed "Chinese wisdom" to the world.China on Tuesday swiftly ...