The World Reversed Meaning The World card is one of only two cards that have no reverse meaning. Nevertheless, it could indicate a slight slowdown in the flow of events or the need for more introspection as events unfold. Practice trusting and relaxing into the nurturing support of the Great...
Reversed World Tarot Card Meaning The reversed World card carries a message of potential growth and learning from mistakes, as well as the importance of taking a break to re-evaluate goals and find creative solutions. In a love reading, the reversed World card can suggest that although it may...
The World (Le Monde) The Great One of the Night of Time Card Number: 21 Key Number: 32 Rulership: Saturn Hebrew Letter: Tau Translation: Cross Numerical Value: 9Divinatory meaning Upright - Accomplishment. Fulfillment. Completion of a personal cycle, project, series of events or chapter ...
When the reversed World card appears in a tarot reading it's usually an reminder to focus on the greater goals and not on things like calendar dates, filing dates or promises. It's also a reminder that our minds can deceive us into thinking we're done when we're really not. In this...
If you draw The Tower tarot card in a tarot reading, here's what it means, including the upright and reversed interpretations and some keywords.
The Empress Tarot Card Meaning Key Meanings (Upright): Sensuality, feminism, divine figures, nurture, creation, motherhood, pregnancy, beauty, feminine energy, beauty, connection with nature, grow in abundance, success, harmony, peaceful, secure, safe, serene Key Meanings (Reversed): Insecurity, in...
The Moon card represents the ultimate test of a soul's integrity, where the membrane between the self and the unknown is removed, and the drop of individuality re-enters the ocean of being. What transpires next is between a soul and its maker. The Moon Reversed Meaning The Moon card ...
Learn all about the meaning of the tarot card The Magician, including the upright and reversed readings and a few keywords to keep in mind.
The Tower stands for chaos & liberation. Learn all about the Tower tarot card, as well as its reversed & love meanings, with!
Reversed Compromise, moving forward, solutions to a conflict, making up, overcoming challenges, fairness Yes or No No Number 5 Element Air Planet Saturn or Uranus Astrological Sign AquariusKey Facts: The Five of Swords Tarot Card Upright Meaning of The Five of Swords The Five of Swords is a ...