respect for differences. there are more than 200 countries and regions, over 2,500 ethnic groups and a vast number of religions in our world. such cultural diversity is what makes the world colorful. diversity breeds exchanges, exchanges...
this will then cause this wont hurt i swea this wordl i am stand this workbook this world is heavenl this world needs you this years cut of woo this youth thisadv thisthat and the othe thismomentousday thisprojectwillnotfor thistle hotel thistle kensington pa thistle tubes thisisasmokefree...
think of me ill be th think of me when you think of relaxing thi think of sth as think over what i am think too much think too much of one think up come up with thinking ability and thinking about life i thinking about manage thinking about pumped thinking and conclusi thinking bias...
- Well, would the world be a better place if people never felt guilty? 要是人们都不会感到内疚,这个世界真会变得更美好吗? 21. You see the world as it is and you see the world as it could be. What you don't see is what everybody else sees: the giant gaping chasm in-between. 你...
Writing and literature form an integral part in societies all across the world. All four nations use a common system of characters' daily purposes. The four nations primarily use writing for communication and literary purposes, though there are some, suc
Habitat loss along with AGW are the two primary causes of the incipient sixth mass extinction event that will play out around the world over the next few centuries, absent aggressive action in advance. Our capitalist economic model with it’s imperative of infinite growth, though we occupy a ...
To the world, that looked like the path to oblivion. But to those who have been given the eyes of faith, the Way of the Cross, as we pray every Holy Week, is “none other than the way of life and peace.” And thus the healing of Bartimaeus is not just the story of one man’...
Time flies like an arrow and hastens people to their old age,The sun shines overhead. The Plough moves high in the sky,The moon, whether full or not, illuminates the whole world. 年矢每催 曦晖朗曜:可惜青春易逝,岁月匆匆催...
There's no sentiment without being injured when living in this world.“生于这世上,没有一样感情不是千疮百孔的。” "The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven." 心灵是自己的地方,而它本身可以把地狱变成天堂,也可以把天堂变成地狱。——John ...
If God is present at every point in space, if we cannot go where He is not, cannot even conceive of a place where he is not, why then has not that Presence become one of the universally celebrated facts of the world? The patriarch Jacob saw a vision of God and cried out in wonder...