Saints Row: The Third gives "gunning for the top" a new perspective, thrusting you into a world of organized chaos, with a surreal sense of humor. The gameplay is centered around wild, over-the-top missions, demanding keen resource management and strategic planning. With its delightful absurdi...
According to its earliest definition by the World Health Organization, a pandemic is “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people” (Kelly 2011). Despite some records of the dissemination of diseases ...
Case Closed is an ongoing anime series that started in 1996. So far 1152 episodes of Case Closed have been aired. With a total of 530 reported filler episodes, Case Closed has a high filler percentage of 46%. While investigating the Black Organization, a detective named Shinichi Kudo is cap...
From Over-world From Under-ground From Castles Little Goombas first appear in Super Mario Bros. - referred to as that in that game's manual alone - and their original homeland is stated to be in the Mushroom Kingdom, which they share with the mushroom retainers. The two races lived in ...
The spiritual meaning of 747 resonates with all things divine: spiritual knowledge, involvement, awakening, and enlightenment. You are born into this life with the true purpose of healing this world through your strong spiritual sense, and you are capable of helping people in need. However, firs...
[The Buddha] knowingly entered his mother’s womb. At that time, he moved heaven and Earth, illuminating the world with a numinous light. 知入母胎,是時震動一切天地,以大妙光普照世間。21 When the Buddha was born, again heaven and Earth shook, there appeared a numinous light, and he was ...
The names have changed, and with America's worst finish in a major international tournament EVER in the 2023 Women's World Cup, the playing field is stronger than ever. So today, ESPN global correspondent Sam Borden explains what's changed. Who stands between the ladies and a gold medal ...
First came “The Black Swan” and now comes “The White Crow.” There’s always something about the world of dance that invites provocative multi-faceted examinations of a person’s psyche. It always raises the question of, how far is one willing to push themselves?Ralph Fiennes explores thi...
“The United States has done little to improve its battle against public-sectorcorruptionin recent years, according to Transparency International, which measures experts’ perception of corruption around the world. In 2023, for the second year in a row, the U.S. ranks 24th out of 180 countries...
If you want updated insight on current world news events that you’re not getting from the highly censored MSM, I think you’d like to check out a podcast from a committed Christian who’s seen a lot of life as a retired marine? His moniker is “AWK.” It stands for “And we know...