World of Warcraft, like any other role-playing game, has many abbreviations that can be confusing to new players. Here is a list of World of Warcraft terminology and acronyms. The initial list was "borrowed" from World of Warcraft terminology at Wikiped
World of Warcraft’s latest expansion, “The War Within,” introduces the challenging Nerub’ar Palace raid. This eight-boss raid, located in the depths of Azj-Kahet, promises intense battles and top-tier rewards. For many players, purchasing a boost for this raid is an attractive option. ...
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warcraft (ˈwɔːˌkrɑːft) n 1.skill in warfare 2.the skill of directing a war 3.(Nautical Terms)nauticala ship used in war Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, ...
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.Below is the list of Warcraft and World of Warcraft novels. There are 30 novels in total, 7 part of the Warcraft series and 23 part of the World of Warcraft one. There are also two Warcraft movie novels. ...
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A mob (short for mobile) is a generic term for any non-player entity whose primary purpose is to be killed for experience, quest objective, or loot.
47. World of Warcraft I believe the defining characteristic that draws people to World of Warcraft is the freedom to play the game as you see fit. Like grouping with friends? The game gives you the ability to start with a crew and play through the entire game together, regardless of race...
1.6 World of Warcraft 1.7 Wrath of the Lich King 1.8 Cataclysm 1.9 Blood of Our Fathers 1.10 Mists of Pandaria 1.11 Warlords of Draenor 1.12 Legion 1.13 Battle for Azeroth 1.14 Shadowlands 1.15 Dragonflight 2 Organization 2.1 People and culture 2.2 Political structure 2.3 Notable leaders 2.3....
1.8 World of Warcraft 1.9 The Burning Crusade 1.10 Theramore peace summit 1.11 Echoes of Doom 1.12 Legends: Fear 1.13 Wrath of the Lich King 1.13.1 Broken peace 1.13.2 Secrets of Ulduar 1.13.3 Heart of War 1.13.4 Crusaders' Coliseum 1.14 War Against the Nightmare 1.15 Shaman (manga) 1....