Voted as an ideal driving road in the world it is said that it is not as much risk as the other deadly roads of the world, yet it is marked as a dangerous one. Source: tending The view along the road is breathtaking and different tour guides suggest that the toughest yet most specula...
This treacherous road leads to the base camp of Nanga Parbat, the ninth-highestmountainin the world. The road is narrow, unpaved, and carved into the side of a cliff, with no guardrails to protect vehicles from falling into the ravine below. The road is only open during the summer and i...
1:玻利维亚科罗伊科至拉巴斯的北云加斯路 Most of the travel journalists who've written cautionary lists of the world's worst roads seem to agree that the North Yungas Road, a 40-mile (64.3- kilometer) long stretch of hell in Bolivia is the planet's ultimate nightmare for motorists. In 1995...
World’s Most Dangerous Roads – Roads and travel are known to be the most common cause of death in the world. According to a World Health Organization (WHO) report, more than 1.2 million people die every year as a result of car accidents- an average of 3,287 deaths per day. The wor...
Christine Y. Chen
Well, in a nutshell, “the world’s most dangerous road” is accessible as a day-trip from La Paz, Bolivia. It used to be used by lorries and buses, until they kept falling off the sheer drop. So rather than close it, it has become a bit of a tourist attraction for dare-devils ...
The most dangerous roads in the world can betray you in different ways. Some have treacherous terrain, others are prone to inclement weather. In still other cases, the real danger is the drivers. From mountain trails to desert highways, let's take a look
This article compiles a list of some of the most dangerous roads in the world. Videos are provided for each road, many of which show people traveling over some of the roughest terrain on the planet. So, if you don’t get frightened too easily and can handle the perilousness of these ...
In a country with someone of the world's most dangerous roads 在那些拥有世界上最危险道路的国家。a country 只是为了说明是一个国家,在中文中可以不做翻译。类似的中文句子有:这是世界上最大的建筑之一。It is one of the largest buildings in the world.这里的最高级不是唯一的,虽然用了...
roads have cliffs, some have sharp bends and most of them are in the middle of nowhere with no help coming if you break down or crash. If you aredriving on these roads, you should do all the prayers you know because these are ten of the world’s craziest and most dangerous roads… ...