I prefer the saying “The world’s my lobster”. Reply Susan Millard says: February 21, 2022 at 11:18 am The world is my oyster for God’s glory Amen Reply Poetry says: March 18, 2022 at 6:42 pm I don’t really like oysters. Maybe it could be “ The world is your burrito?
the world is (one's) lobster One can do anything one wants in life. A humorous variant of the more common phrase "the world is (one's) oyster."You have so much talent at such a young age—the world is your lobster! See also:lobster,world ...
Try swapping out the wordoysterfor another delicious sea creature for a humorous effect. “The world is your lobster!”“The world’s your clam!” Really, the sky is the limit here. Or should I say… “the ocean is the limit”?
the world is (one's) lobster One can do anything one wants in life. A humorous variant of the more common phrase "the world is (one's) oyster."You have so much talent at such a young age—the world is your lobster!
The world's your lobster: what is the most important thing to have on your boat while cruising in Maine? A wetsuit! At least that's what we are told. The chances of getting your prop into one of the three million lobsterpots that float around the new England shores are huge and the...
Byline: By Bill OldfieldAdrian HenriWendy Smith
The World Is our Lobster: Rethinking Traditional AttitudesLibrariesFutureLibrariansPurpose – The purpose of this article is to explore the changing skill sets, operating environments and community engagement activities which can create a robust and valued future for libraries and librarians. It is easy...
the world builder the world in english the world is awake the world is changing the world is my backy the world is not enou the world news the world outside the world qixiu the world slows down the world study day the world was new ben the world we live in the worlds biggest ve th...
itook the underground ityournedmycollartoth iwannabeyourhero iwantthemeaningofmyli id be eternally faith ill know the world tr im saying everything im the king of headba ive got too much work iĀm sÒng hellong iŞiĞim iicon id never seen anyting im asking him to chan im not goin...
The world is my lobster ! Well to be honest it's not complicated its burger or lobster and its £20 whatever you get although there are other offers on . I went last Wednesday night and it was pretty full at 8 pm but we only waited 15 mins for a table . The lobster...