The world in即“年度展望”,每年年末出版(独立成册),前瞻来年会发生的大事件和大趋势;和“The world if”系列不同,“The world in”系列更贴近现实,没有幻想,只有根据事实、数据和当下趋势作出的严谨预测。 3.其他 以上介绍的《经济学人》主刊、专刊和增刊几乎囊括了《经济学人》的所有内容,但《经济学人》可... 这本“镇宅神书”被我拿到手了,可到现在我还兴奋得不行,心想一定要把这次购书体验和翻书感受分享出来。 1、被谁种了草? 《经济学人》每年都有一个 The World in 系列,一般在年末的两个月中发出,有对过去一年预测的回顾,看是神机妙算还是啪啪打脸;更重要的...
Tom Standage is Deputy Editor of The Economist and The World in.. series. He is also responsible for the newspaper’s digital strategy and the development of new digital products, including Espresso and Economist Films. He joined The Economist as Science Correspondent in 1998 and was subsequently...
每隔三个月还会刊发一篇名为“科技季报”的科技题材专稿,内容都是关于科技界最新的趋势和发展。每年末,会编辑出版《The World in...》特刊(省略号指年份,刊名意为“……年的世界”),展望接下来一年的国际形势。2015年4月起,编辑部会从每期刊物中选出部分文章翻译成中文,通过“经济学人商论”app发表,供使用中...
前段时间经济学人集团按惯例出版了年度特刊《The World in 2021》,这一特刊对即将过去的2020年进行了总结,并对新的2021年进行了展望。有需要的朋友留邮箱哦,pdf版 1.15更新:由于邮箱发送空间有限,请点击链接自助下载→: ...
a regional bloc. They will reportedly discuss a “new vision” of pursuing a world without nuclear weapons, and strengthening co-operation on supply chains and digitalisation. ASEAN countries value their relationship with Japan, which has invested more in the region in the last decade than even ...
Andrei Shleifer is a Russian-American economist, and he has been regarded as one of the top economists in the world. He was born on February 20, 1961, in Russia (the Soviet Union at the time) to a Jewish family. During his teenage years, he migrated to the United States in 1976. In...
As inflation falls the world over, in Russia it is rising. In November prices rose by 7.5% year on year, up from 6.7% in the previous month. Drastic action is required. At a monetary-policy meeting on Friday Russia’s central bank will probably raise interest rates by one percentage poin...
《经济学如何解释世界》(How Economics Explains the World) 作者:安德鲁·李(Andrew Leigh),Mariner Books出版。作者用简练的笔触勾勒人类进步史,巧妙揭示了推动这一进程的经济力量,全书不到200页却见解深刻。 《金钱:一部人类史》(Money: A Story of ...
a behavioural economist at Northwestern University, together with his colleagues in America and Australia, has looked at whether tennis umpires and line judges 5.___(correct) called balls in or out during nearly 100,000 points played in some 700 matches across the world, both before and after...