Source The World Bank The latest value from 2023 is 17794.78 billion U.S. dollars, a decline from 17881.78 billion U.S. dollars in 2022. In comparison, the world average is 569.16 billion U.S. dollars, based on data from 184 countries. Historically, the average for China from 1960 to...
当地时间1月9日,世界银行(下称“世行”The World Bank,1944年7月成立布雷顿森林Bretton Woods, NH,总部位于华盛顿DC)发布最新《全球经济展望》报告,称本应是全球发展突飞猛进的十年即将过半,但全球经济2024年交出的答卷或令人遗憾,2020年~2024年可能会是30年来全球国内生产总值(GDP)增速最慢的五年。
世界银行:各国详细历史GDP经济总量水平__GDP from the World Bank DataSource WorldDevelopmentIndicatorsIndicatorNameGDP(currentUS$)GDP(currentUS$)GDP(currentUS$)GDP(currentUS$)GDP(currentUS$)GDP(currentUS$)GDP(currentUS$)GDP(currentUS$)GDP(currentUS$)GDP(currentUS$)GDP(currentUS$)GDP(currentUS$)...
The growth rate of 7.5% is enough to ensure the demand for jobs in the Chinese labor market. Gao Luyi, senior economist at the world bank, said: "we forecast that China's GDP growth in 2009 will be around 7.5%, and more than half will come from government led spending." In June, ...
世界银行对本译文中的任何内容或错误概不负责。This translation was not created by The World Bank and should not be considered an official World Bank translation. The World Bank shall not be liable for any content or error in this translation....
We’ve ranked the top countries by GDP based on world economic data, including imports and exports. Don’t miss ourFrequently Asked Questionsfor more detailed information about GDP and how it’s calculated. Source: World Bank. Updated with 2019 GDP numbers as current US dollars. ...
Southeast Asia is likely to outpace China in gross domestic product (GDP) and foreign direct investment (FDI) growth over the next decade, according to the‘Navigating High Winds: Southeast Asia Outlook 2024 – 2034’report released today by the Angsana Council, Bain & Company, and DBS ...
After importing approximately $2.72 trillion worth of goods in 2022, China became the second-largest importer of the world. As a result of its reform and opening up, China's foreign trade accounted for 37% of its GDP in 2022, according to the World Bank. ...
Population figures were obtained from the World Bank as of 2023. Gross domestic product (GDP) amounts for 2023 also come from the OECD.23 1. United States Neale Clark / Getty Images Disposable income per capita:$58,228.51 Population:334.9 million ...
According to the World Bank, Trinidad and Tobago’s GDP, as of 2023, is $28.14 billion.4Trinidad is highly dependent on petrochemical and liquefied natural gasexportsas a result of its large oil and natural gas reserves, and the Republic has had a robust economy over the last decade (prima...