The World According to Garp的创作者 ··· 约翰·欧文 作者 作者简介 ··· John Irving is a prolific writer, who authored such great works as the Cider House Rules, A Widow for One Year, Until I Find You... 原文摘录 ··· ( 全部 ) 一生不过一瞬,生命变换不居,感官犹如微弱星火,...
> 我来写笔记 > The World According to Garp 作者: John Irving isbn: 034536676X 书名: The World According to Garp 页数: 624 定价: GBP 5.58 出版社: Ballantine Books 出版年: 1994-11-20 装帧: Mass Market Paperback© 2005-2025, all rights reserved 北京豆网科技有限公司 关于...
外文古旧书书籍《The World According to Garp》作者:John Irving,出版社:Ballantine Books,定价:,在孔网购买该书享超低价格。《The World According to Garp》简介:This is the life and tim。
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《【预订】The World According to Garp》,作者:Irving,出版社:Random House Publishing Group。最新《【预订】The World According to Garp》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在,网购《【预订】The World According
In more than thirty languages, in more than forty countries-with more than ten million copies in print-this novel provides almost cheerful, even hilarious evidence of its famous last line: "In the world according to Garp, we are all terminal cases." John Irving is a prolific writer, who ...
{"entityMap":{},"blocks":[{"key":"ee7do","text":"#書# 1978《The World According to Garp》9-1=8/10","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"6nacf","text":"好久沒有這種痛快淋漓的閱讀高潮了,每天晚飯后第一件事
garp中英文加普hearts剧本bosworth 加普? Garp? 加普。 Garp. 加普。 Garp. 加普? Garp? 是的,加普。 Yes,Garp. 听起来像是一条鱼:“我女儿被一个Garp搞大了肚子!” Soundslikeafish:"MydaughtergotknockedupbyaGarp!" 找出那狗♥娘♥养♥的是姓还是名。 Findoutifthat'sthesonofabitch'sfirstorlastnam...
(查看原文) AI10.0 2021-03-24 15:07:07 <前页 1 2 3 4 5 后页> > 我来写笔记 > The World According to Garp A Novel 作者: John Irving isbn: 2724208528 书名: The World According to Garp A Novel 出版社: E.P. Dutton 出版年: 1980 装帧: Hardcover...
(查看原文) longr 2020-11-30 22:46:52 —— 引自章节:第4章 毕业 珍妮带盖普去欧洲的时候,比起其他大部分18岁的年轻人,盖普对孤独封闭的作家生活更有心理准备。他已经在自己的想象世界中活得很好:毕竟,养大他的女人,认为孤独封闭是再自然不过的生活方式。过了很多年,盖普才会意识到自己一个朋友也没有...