Based on the book written by Julia Walton, the new film “Words on Bathroom Walls” tells the story of Adam (Charlie Plummer), a high school senior with schizophrenia, as he navigates through his last year with dreams of becoming a chef. When he meets and falls in love with Maya...
In German director Thor Freudenthal’s (“Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters”) deeply-movingWords on Bathroom Walls, high-school student Adam Petrazelli (Charlie Plummer, “All the Money in the World”) lives in a world without silence. Diagnosed as schizophrenic, the voices in his head never s...
Testimonials and framed degrees hang on the walls. WILL lying on a couch, on his back. His eyes are closed DR. MOTH sits by the couch, listening to WILL and occasionally making a note on a pad he holds on his knee. What we have here is nothing less than the false dawn of analysis...
专辑: Words on Bathroom Walls (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 歌手:Andrew HollanderThe Chainsmokers纯音乐,请欣赏 Andrew Hollander、The Chainsmokers - Fire on the Nun (Words on Bathroom Walls) / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 Fire on the Nun Andrew Hollander、The Chainsmokers 01:50...
Share on Facebook bathroom (redirected fromBath room) Thesaurus Encyclopedia bath·room (băth′ro͞om′, -ro͝om′, bäth′-) n. 1.A room containing a bathtub or shower, and usually a toilet and sink. 2.A room containing a toilet and sink. ...
专辑: Words on Bathroom Walls (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 歌手:Andrew HollanderThe Chainsmokers纯音乐,请欣赏 Andrew Hollander、The Chainsmokers - Letter (Words on Bathroom Walls) / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 Letter Andrew Hollander、The Chainsmokers 02:36...
专辑:Words on Bathroom Walls (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)流派:电子 立即播放 收藏(8) 分享 下载歌曲 作曲:Andrew Hollander,Andrew Taggart,Alex Pall 暂无歌词 同歌手歌曲 Opening Titles (feat. The Chainsmokers) (Words on Bathroom Walls)Andrew Hollander,The Chainsmokers Letter (feat. The ...
Adam's Speech Part 2 (feat. The Chainsmokers) (Words on Bathroom Walls)Andrew Hollander,The Chainsmokers Nothing Was Designed to Work (feat. The Chainsmokers) (Words on Bathroom Walls)Andrew Hollander,The Chainsmokers 查看更多 同专辑歌曲 1 Push My LuckThe Chainsmokers 2 Fire on the Nun (feat...
The school toilets… the bathroom stalls at the local bar… the walls of our favorite cinema’s washroom… These are the places where our greatest minds think our greatest thoughts. Below, you’ll find some of the most creative words ever written in the bathroom stalls of your favorite plac...