workaholic- person with a compulsive need to work portmanteau,portmanteau word,blend- a new word formed by joining two others and combining their meanings; "`smog' is a blend of `smoke' and `fog'"; "`motel' is a portmanteau word made by combining `motor' and `hotel'"; "`brunch' is...
In addition, the decision to engage in sex work may also well be guided by an ethic of fun, sexual experimentation, and freedom (cf. Bernstein, 2007). “Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere” was a slogan once used to stress its attractive and liberating aspects. That ...
4. (Art Terms) something done, made, etc, as a result of effort or exertion: a work of art. 5. materials or tasks on which to expend effort or exertion 6. another word for workmanship3 7. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) the place, office, etc, where a person is employed 8....
word is one's bond and where informal ties of trust cement together an international trade network.Nor have merchants and artisans ever had much tolerance for aristocratic professions of moral superiority, favoring instead an egalitarianethicof the open market, where steady hard work, the loyalty ...
Having both parents display the same work ethic (行为准则) has a strong influence, but only in the case of calling-oriented offspring (子女). As the society nowadays favors money and professional achievement, a child with two calling-oriented parents is more likely to have the confidence to ...
Similar word, different meaning. My brother and cousin broke me long ago by physically dominating me, keeping me in a prolonged state of fight-or-flight, never able to let my guard down (…) and then others from school latched onto that pattern, until I was totally consumed by self-...
分析句子结构,A strong work ethic是主语,that后接的是从句,可以推断此处应为动词。根据句意选择suggest。 题干中单词的意思为: principle原则 suggest建议、表明approach 方式、方法 responsibility 责任 face 面对 affect影响 (1) 句意大致为: 这些道德规范使员工成为_。接名词:"make + sb + adj",make 是...
WordPerfect Office WordPress Words of Power words per minute words twice words you gotta know WordStar WordStar diamond Wordsworth Wordsworth, Christopher WordTech work Work (arts) work angle Work Area work assembly Work Breakdown Structure Work Contract ...
D 59 the gradual change of word meaning B 60 it is a new form of verbal communication B 61 she worked her way to success in the entertainment industry B 62 she was known as a supporter of fake science A 63 he was strongly against it ...
But Warren went to work at Buffett & Son, where he observed his grandfather’s maxims firsthand. Ernest took it upon himself to deduct two pennies a day from Warren’s meager salary—a gesture which, along with his lectures on the work ethic, was intended to impress upon Warren the intol...