maven配置报错The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly 解决方法 参考博主链接: maven配置报错以及The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly的解决方法 出现场景: 环境变量配置后输入命令:maven -version 问题原因: ...
今天在做Ant/Xdoclet辅助生成hibernate实体映射文件时,eclipse出现了极其让我郁闷的错误,"The word is not correctly spelled" 我讨教过一些朋友以后,还是没有得到答案,我就纳闷了。然后我继续将代码执行下去,居然执行没有问题,还真的生成了实体映射文件,这下问题的根源就找到了!是eclipse的问题,打开eclipse,我忽略掉...
The word 'XXX' is not correctly spelled 在使用myeclipse创建了一个servlet中,配置web.xml文件时,报localhost拼写错误报错,很是烦 如下图所示: 解决方案: 打开myeclipse的window -> preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Spelling 在弹出的Spelling窗口中将Enable... ...
Gordon F. Sander is a journalist and historian based in Riga, Latvia. He is the author of “The Frank Family That Survived: A 20th Century Odyssey” and other books *** Many thanks to my friend and immigration maven Deb Sanders for alerting me to the Sander article. I strongly urge ...
I find the end of taking 3 cards from the bottom to the top and then spell the word Magic not so satisfying. When the chosen card ends second from the top I perform the Down-Underdeal. Top card on the table, second card under the packet. Third card on the table etc.. You end wi...
I remember, going back almost a decade when I started working at Sonatype. At that time, there were let's say 20 million software developers on the planet. They were running, they still run Maven Central which is where all the Java open-source components exist. The year I joined them, ...
Mavens' Word of the Day From the Word Mavens of Random House. This has now closed, but an archive of past pieces gives answers to queries about the meanings of words and expressions. Urban Legends Archive This discusses, and debunks, some of the stranger stories about the origins of ...
If not, you need one. Ideally, the criteria for selecting ideas will be clarifiedbeforethe session and introduced to participants early in the session. Please note that there is some debate amongst brainstorm mavens as to when to offer the criteria. Some say this should happen at the beginni...
or 15 years or more–so you don’t have to take my word for it, or rely on Chico Bag’s estimate that one Chico Bag can replace 1,040 single-use bags. The fabric used to make rePETe Chico Bag products is made from recycled plastic bottles (the PET kind, get it?). Chico Bag ha...
The word 'localhost' is not correctly spelled解决方法 有时工程中有下划线并提示 The word is not correctly spelled 此问题是MyEclipse校验单词拼写造成,如果出在配置文件中,一般会影响到程序的正常执行. 解决方法: 1、在MyEclipse下的Window–Preference输入spell 2、然后把第一个复选框“Enable spell checking“...