dollars to be appraised by a qualified appraiser using an appropriate methodology and valuation approach. Several technical requirements are involved prior to the consideration of the contributed property's determined value.WOOLDRIDGEDAVIDM.LEVITTRONALDA.RHODESGREGORYP.VINSONJournal of Taxation...
We thank the Murdock Charitable Trust and the Washington Research Foundation for generous support of our cryo-EM facility. We are grateful to J. Sun, M. Gonen, B. Vollmar and S. Turley for contributions to the earlier stages of this work; M. Bagdasarian (Michigan State University) for aV...
While storytelling as a tool for marketing communication, engagement, and behaviour change has established itself in other domains, its use in speaking for others (Fenton2021) and engaging people in charitable behaviour (Song2021) poses additional challenges. In the context of charity support behaviour...
Where more than one NHS Trust is linked to the same charity (there are eight charities which are each linked to two Trusts), for these eight pairs of Trusts, we sum the total Trust income for the two Trusts, to compare to the total charitable income for the charity that spans two ...
Adrian Wooldridge characterized Morgan as America's "greatest banker".Morgan died in Rome, Italy, in his sleep in 1913 at the age of 75, leaving his fortune and business to his son, John Pierpont Morgan Jr. Biographer Ron Chernow estimated his fortune at only $118 million (of which ...
t + 3 ∗ family declinei,t ∗ social experience + 4 ∗ family declinei,t ∗ education + ∗ ControlVariablesi,t + (3) The Wald test for heteroskedasticity was negative (χ2 = 3.7 × 106, p ≤ 0.001) as was the Wooldridge test for autocorrelation (F =...
(Liu et al.,2021; Wooldridge,2010) and apply the Heckman-2SLS approach to mitigate both types of endogeneity concerns. The Heckman-2SLS approach combines the Heckman selection model with a 2SLS estimator that can solve the sample selection bias in the selection model, while simultaneously ...
Jenq, C., Pan, J., & Theseira, W. (2015). Beauty, weight, and skin color in charitable giving.Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,119,234–253. ArticleGoogle Scholar Jin, Y., Rejesus, R. M., & Little, B. B. (2005). Binary choice models for rare events data: A crop...
When estimated ‘satisfaction with partner relationship’ it could be argued that the variable ‘trust in family members’ may be endogenous. We thus perform a control function analysis (Blundell and Robin 1999, Wooldridge 2002) to test whether trust in family members is correlated with the error...
Similarly, efficient CG and CSR initiatives have slowly but surely been updated from a charitable behavior of corporate entrepreneurship to genuine actions within overall strategies to win the trust of customers and society together. Both strategies are being considered by companies to adjust their ...