The Wonder Years 851 votes The Wonder Years' heartfelt, introspective take on pop-punk has resonated with fans since their formation in 2005. Their earnest lyricism and signature blend of punk, emo, and melodic hardcore elements have earned them critical acclaim and a devoted fanbase. Tracks lik...
For years, people have been joking about the "Fast and Furious" franchise being so ridiculous that it would eventually take it characters to space. "F9" actually fulfilled that prophecy, and it did so in a way that actually kinda sorta made sense – at least within the confines of the la...
32. The Wonder Years, 'Suburbia I've Given You All and Now I'm Nothing' (2011) Singing for suburban kids all around the world, the fresh-from-the-basement sound The Wonder Years perfected on their journey toSuburbiagave a more honest look at the escapism pop-punk had been offering ye...
Sonic Wonderland: A Journey Through Triphop & Drum 'n' Bass (1997, Hypnotic Records, CD) 08 NONPLACE URBAN FIELD: Unireverse (same version as on NUF: 's/t') 11 SOME MORE CRIME: Delia (same version as on 'Fuzzymix') You can download the whole album here. In this case it's not...
Blige. His discography exudes a high level of versatility, constantly incorporating diverse genres, from R&B and soul to pop, earning him international acclaim. True to his roots, Thicke has also dabbled in acting, making cameo appearances in popular TV shows like The Wonder Years and Real ...
Discography of the Pablo Label Pablo was a jazz label that eventually was bought by Fantasy Records. Information is from Schwann catalogs, Michael Fitzgerald's and the Jazz Discography Project, Pablo 2310-700 series (12 inch LP) 2310-701 - The Trio ...
Shop the best of Coldplay’s discography on vinyl and more: Coldplay formed in 1996 by Chris Martin and guitarist Jonny Buckland at University College London (UCL), under the name Pectoralz. Martin was born in Whitestone, Exeter, Devon, the eldest of five children. He found his passion for...
Updates are done regularly. Don’t forget to check on new updates. Its just a mouse click away. Click on the tracklist. Here you’ll find the date when a certain post has been uploaded. Ciao! THE CLASH DISCOGRAPHY djwebmastahOctober 16, 2020Leave a Commenton THE CLASH DISCOGRAPHYPosted...
Billie Eilish also took her career to new heights, with 2024's HIT ME HARD AND SOFT serving as a distinct turning point in her multi-platinum discography and her award-winning lyricism turning unapologetically queer. ("I could eat that girl for lunch/ Yeah, she dances on my tongue...
for me, which I nevertheless enjoyed, Origin of the Alimonies is yet another unique and inspired installment in a discography that’s been so persistently ahead of its time I think more people will respect this 20 years from now than do today. H.A.Q.Q. was, for all its oddities, at...